Not able to rip DTS HD MA

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Agent Sheep
Posts: 2
Joined: Wed Apr 15, 2015 3:02 pm

Not able to rip DTS HD MA

Post by Agent Sheep »

Hi, have been trying out MakeMKV 1.9.2 for almost a month now and unable to rip a Blu Ray with DTS HD MA. I select the main movie file, check the box for DTS HD MA option, but playback on Corel WinDVDpro11 is only DTS through my HK AVR 3700. I've read through the postings on here but still not able to find the solution. I'm assuming if the option to select DTS HD with MakeMKV is available, then audio playback should be the same. OS window7 64 bit. Any advice would be greatly apprecitated on what else I should change or a link to any other postings that may be of help. Thanks.
Agent Sheep
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Re: Not able to rip DTS HD MA

Post by Agent Sheep »

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Re: Not able to rip DTS HD MA

Post by Woodstock »

There are different flavors of DTS HD out there, and not all players support all versions, and not all home theater units decode all.

The NAME of the movie that is giving you issues would be helpful, because it would be possible to look up what CODECs are involved.

Are you using a profile that converts audio to FLAC, or dropping it unmodified into the MKV file?
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Re: Not able to rip DTS HD MA

Post by Chetwood »

Use Mediainfo on the MKV and you'll probably see that it's in fact DTS-MA but your software player does not play it back properly.
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