MakeMKV on OS X 10.9.4

The place to discuss Mac OS X version of MakeMKV
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MakeMKV on OS X 10.9.4

Post by LordDiesel »

After downloading, what I thought was, the most recent build of MakeMKV it worked awesome for 5 or 6 days. Today I was prompted "This version is to old...", again only 5 to 6 days after my first install. So I did as directed, removed the current version and downloaded the linked version from the site. Low and behold still "This version is to old". Love the app just wished it wouldn't make me jump through all these hoops especially when it says on the site "Just download the newest build. Why didn't I even get the 60 days of valid use with the BETA.
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Re: MakeMKV on OS X 10.9.4

Post by Woodstock »

Mike REALLY needs to make it so that the "Current beta key" message comes to the top of the list every time he changes it, because NO ONE sees it when it is needed.

Go to the announcements section. Find the message that says "MakeMKV is free while in beta". Open it. Find current key for program.

Sometimes, you need to set the computer's date back to prior to the expiration of the key in the program (that would by back to 7/25 in this case) to get it to start (date can be reset as soon as it starts), then you can put the new key in and go.
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