It would be wonderfull if makemkv could support TS or mp4 containers along with mkv. I know MKV as ALOT great features, but it also has 1 huge draw back. And that the players OR reencoders keeping everything in sync, video/sound/etc. And while I fully admit and agree that it's the players and encoders/codec and NOT the mkv files. I find my self coverting most (not all) of my MKV files to TS files. Which does fix the problem, But I've also found it seems to save me alot of time if I need to keep doing this to just use AnyDVDHD with dvd decryptor and have it save everything to VOB files as these also have no issues for the players or encoders .
BUT I **really** **really** would like to continue using and buy when the time comes MakeMKV, so I hope this request isn't to much trouble and can be implemented.