Strange error...

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Joined: Wed Aug 26, 2009 6:50 pm

Strange error...

Post by ema74 »

I have tried to rip my original copy of fight club (DVD) and I've encountered this strange problem: I have selected the main chapter which contains italian lang (ac3),english lang (ac3) and italian subtitles. If I select all 3 all works flawlessly but , as I don't want any subtitles, if I select only italian and english lang I get the following fatal error and then the program exit (I'm running windows vista and makemkv as administrator):

Debug log started at Wed Aug 26 19:18:59 2009 , written by MakeMKV v1.4.6 beta win(x86-release)
001014:000000:0000 MakeMKV v1.4.6 beta win(x86-release) started
001013:000000:0000 Debug logging enabled, log will be saved as C:\Users\ema/MakeMKV_log.txt
003010:000000:0000 Using direct disc access mode
003046:000000:1000 Complex multiplex encountered - 21 cells and 14722 VOBUs have to be scanned. This may take some time, please be patient - it can't be avoided.
003036:000000:0000 Title #0 was added (21 cell(s), 2:13:16)
003020:000000:0000 Title #1 has length of 30 seconds which is less than minimum title length of 120 seconds and was therefore skipped
003020:000000:0000 Title #2 has length of 32 seconds which is less than minimum title length of 120 seconds and was therefore skipped
003020:000000:0000 Title #3 has length of 4 seconds which is less than minimum title length of 120 seconds and was therefore skipped
003020:000000:0000 Title #4 has length of 2 seconds which is less than minimum title length of 120 seconds and was therefore skipped
003020:000000:0000 Title #5 has length of 4 seconds which is less than minimum title length of 120 seconds and was therefore skipped
003020:000000:0000 Title #6 has length of 2 seconds which is less than minimum title length of 120 seconds and was therefore skipped
003020:000000:0000 Title #7 has length of 118 seconds which is less than minimum title length of 120 seconds and was therefore skipped
003046:000000:1000 Complex multiplex encountered - 1 cells and 281 VOBUs have to be scanned. This may take some time, please be patient - it can't be avoided.
003036:000000:0000 Title #8 was added (1 cell(s), 0:02:26)
003046:000000:1000 Complex multiplex encountered - 1 cells and 404 VOBUs have to be scanned. This may take some time, please be patient - it can't be avoided.
003036:000000:0000 Title #9 was added (1 cell(s), 0:03:30)
003046:000000:1000 Complex multiplex encountered - 1 cells and 601 VOBUs have to be scanned. This may take some time, please be patient - it can't be avoided.
003036:000000:0000 Title #10 was added (1 cell(s), 0:05:13)
003046:000000:1000 Complex multiplex encountered - 1 cells and 703 VOBUs have to be scanned. This may take some time, please be patient - it can't be avoided.
003036:000000:0000 Title #11 was added (1 cell(s), 0:06:05)
003020:000000:0000 Title #12 has length of 25 seconds which is less than minimum title length of 120 seconds and was therefore skipped
003020:000000:0000 Title #13 has length of 30 seconds which is less than minimum title length of 120 seconds and was therefore skipped
005011:000000:0000 Operation sucessfully completed
005014:000000:0000 Saving 1 titles into directory C:/Users/ema/Videos/Film
001012:000000:0020 FAILURE: Code 0 at %7>'H}OW#;u6c|):121266097
002010:000000:0000 Read error. Sector=17187
001012:000000:0020 FAILURE: Code 4294967295 at lqVh3D([=AJ(T=he!3:29394114
001012:000000:0020 FAILURE: Code 0 at %7>'H}OW#;u6c|):121266097
002010:000000:0000 Read error. Sector=17187
001012:000000:0020 FAILURE: Code 4294967295 at lqVh3D([=AJ(T=he!3:29394114
001012:000000:0020 FAILURE: Code 0 at %7>'H}OW#;u6c|):121266097
002010:000000:0000 Read error. Sector=17187
001012:000000:0020 FAILURE: Code 4294967295 at lqVh3D([=AJ(T=he!3:29394114
001012:000000:0020 FAILURE: Code 0 at %7>'H}OW#;u6c|):121266097
002010:000000:0000 Read error. Sector=17187
001012:000000:0020 FAILURE: Code 4294967295 at lqVh3D([=AJ(T=he!3:29394114
001012:000000:0020 FAILURE: Code 0 at %7>'H}OW#;u6c|):121266097
002010:000000:0000 Read error. Sector=17187
001012:000000:0020 FAILURE: Code 4294967295 at lqVh3D([=AJ(T=he!3:29394114
001012:000000:0020 FAILURE: Code 0 at %7>'H}OW#;u6c|):121266097
002010:000000:0000 Read error. Sector=17187
001012:000000:0020 FAILURE: Code 4294967295 at lqVh3D([=AJ(T=he!3:29394114
001012:000000:0020 FAILURE: Code 4294967295 at lqVh3D([=AJ(T=he!3:121262601
001012:000000:0020 FAILURE: Code 4294967295 at lqVh3D([=AJ(T=he!3:29394597
002010:000000:0000 Read error. Sector=17187
001012:000000:0020 FAILURE: Code 2061228 at {V4?4/#]=H'+-a_T6kW:29396276
001012:000000:0020 FAILURE: Code 0 at *"MQ'hY%B{%6F^dgmsO:29396000
001011:000000:0020 LIBMKV_TRACE: Exception: Error while reading input
005003:000000:0000 Failed to save title 0 to file C:/Users/ema/Videos/Film/title00.mkv

How come? As workaround, I've used dvdshrink to create a video_ts (without compression) with only eng and ita ac3 languages and no sub and all worked fine.

Another question, in the preferences settings, in the dvd tab what is the minimum title lenght? which is the best setting?

mike admin
Posts: 4075
Joined: Wed Nov 26, 2008 2:26 am

Re: Strange error...

Post by mike admin »

Code: Select all

002010:000000:0000 Read error. Sector=17187
It really looks just like a read error - a scratch or dust on a disc.
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