I've typically had pretty good luck with [gradually] converting my blu-ray collection into MKV's for sharing on my home network. For Halloween I grabbed Underworld, tried the same process...but got an error, though I've tried a few different times with different [main] title combinations (audio, etc)...
This title doesn't seem to have any issues on here -- at least that seem to be reported, and was curious if anyone had any ideas as to what the issue might be. I will, of course, send in an error report as usual, but wanted to check here as well.

Error 'Scsi error - HARDWARE ERROR:TRACK FOLLOWING ERROR' occurred while reading '/BDMV/STREAM/00011.m2ts' at offset '13765767168'
Error 'Scsi error - HARDWARE ERROR:TRACK FOLLOWING ERROR' occurred while reading '/BDMV/STREAM/00011.m2ts' at offset '13765767168'
Error 'Scsi error - HARDWARE ERROR:TRACK FOLLOWING ERROR' occurred while reading '/BDMV/STREAM/00011.m2ts' at offset '13765773312'
DEBUG: Code 0 at >upK5X|e6k><)8ZFvZ&=:29394298
DEBUG: Code 0 at 'P}QIvFRZXb'-%\}uKT*:121261681
DEBUG: Code 0 at >upK5X|e6k><)8ZFvZ&=:29394183
DEBUG: Code 6721569 at >upK5X|e6k><)8ZFvZ&=:29393309
DEBUG: Code 0 at O;cBK@w8JNA"H}}wId#<U:121266534
LIBMKV_TRACE: Exception: Error while reading input
Failed to save title 0 to file /Users/Server/Desktop/blu temp/LOGICAL_VOLUME_ID/title00.mkv
0 titles saved, 1 failed
And then I get a failed dialogue box.
Any suggestions?
Thank you!