License Restrictions for Purchased Keys

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License Restrictions for Purchased Keys

Post by BobserLuck »

That time again that the "beta" registration key is expired and it might be a couple days until a new one is posted.

I figured I've used this application long enough over the years that it's about time I purchased it. Seems to be in a forever "beta" state but more than made up for the cost and want to make sure this project/application continues on into the future.

With that said, I'm a bit confused as to what restrictions come with buying a license key. Is it tied to a single person? A single machine? There doesn't seem to be much info on the purchase page or PayPro's checkout (atleast not without going through the purchase option that is).

The only thing that seems to be mentioned is,
However we reserve the right to disable any specific registration key in future versions on extraordinary circumstances.
I'd imagine this is to make sure folks don't resell keys into oblivion as mentioned viewtopic.php?f=1&t=29064&p=126591&hili ... es#p126591

I run a dual boot system betwen Linux/Windows and would like to activate the application on both. In addition, eventually will be clean slating my PC and/or building a new rig in a few years. Is a purchased key good for multiple activations (within reason)?
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Re: License Restrictions for Purchased Keys

Post by Woodstock »

Key works for all versions of the program. The Linux version is a bit different to set it, but should work just like the Windows and Mac version.
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