Add more profiles

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Add more profiles

Post by Onlyme »

I believe you must some other profiles.
For example.
Why you don't have ac3 profile?
Or why you don't have simple dts(Not dts-hd) profile?
Or add and another profile that we can choose a part of a movie and not all the movie.

Is there any chance to add more profiles?
Last edited by Woodstock on Tue Mar 22, 2022 2:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: Locking because because participants are not moving the discussion forward
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Re: Add more profiles

Post by Woodstock »

You can add as many profiles as you want, so long as you know how to deal with XML and know how ffmpeg works for converting audio. You can merge profiles together as needed - my default profile allows for AC3, AAC, and FLAC output.

However, you cannot "use a profile for only part of a movie".

There is an AC3 profile.
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Re: Add more profiles

Post by Onlyme »

And this is the exact problem
I don't know and i believe most people don't know.

So don't you believe it would be more easier to add at the base of the program more options by default???
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Re: Add more profiles

Post by Onlyme »

There is an ac3 profile?
Why i cannot see it?
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Re: Add more profiles

Post by Woodstock »

Actually, my mistake - the ac3-stereo profile was posted on the forum, not made part of the official distribution. That may change, if Mike sees this.

I tend to forget about it because one of the default conversions (not listed in profiles) is to extract the lossy core from some tracks, and, for TrueHD, that's AC3.

XML editing is easiest with an XML-aware editor to check your syntax for you. This is the "default" profile from MakeMKV:

Code: Select all

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <!-- profile name - Default -->
    <name lang="mogz">:5086</name>

    <!-- Common MKV flags -->

    <!-- This tag is ignored by MakeMKV 1.12.4 and later, do not change it here. Set the app_DefaultSelectionString
         value in preferences. Keep this element in your custom profiles only for compatibility with older MakeMKV versions.

    <!-- Output formats currently supported by MakeMKV -->
    <outputSettings name="copy" outputFormat="directCopy">
        <description lang="eng">Copy track as is</description>
        <description lang="ger">Track 1:1 kopieren</description>

    <outputSettings name="lpcm" outputFormat="LPCM-raw">
        <description lang="eng">Save as raw LPCM</description>
        <description lang="ger">Als RAW LPCM speichern</description>

    <outputSettings name="wavex" outputFormat="LPCM-wavex">
        <description lang="eng">Save as LPCM in WAV container</description>
        <description lang="ger">Als LPCM im WAV-Container speichern</description>

    <outputSettings name="flac-best" outputFormat="FLAC">
        <description lang="eng">Save as FLAC (best compression)</description>
        <description lang="ger">Als FLAC speichern (höchste Komprimierungsstufe)</description>
        <extraArgs>-compression_level 12</extraArgs>

    <outputSettings name="flac-fast" outputFormat="FLAC">
        <description lang="eng">Save as FLAC (fast compression)</description>
        <extraArgs>-compression_level 5</extraArgs>

    <!-- Default rule - copy as is -->
    <trackSettings input="default">
        <output outputSettingsName="copy" 

    <!-- Save LPCM mono or stereo as raw LPCM -->
    <trackSettings input="LPCM-stereo">
        <output outputSettingsName="lpcm"

    <!-- Put multi-channel LPCM into WAVEX container-->
    <trackSettings input="LPCM-multi">
        <output outputSettingsName="wavex"

    <!-- Convert closed captions to text subtitles
         This rule is added automatically by default if no 
         other <trackSettings input="CC"> tags are present.
         Uncomment to override as needed. -->
    <outputSettings name="convertToSRT" outputFormat="SRT">
        <description lang="eng">Convert to text subtitles</description>
    <trackSettings input="CC">
        <output outputSettingsName="convertToSRT"

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Re: Add more profiles

Post by Onlyme »

how i do that?
Can i create or edit this file with wordpad or notepad?
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Re: Add more profiles

Post by Woodstock »

You can create the files in notepad, but it won't do anything to help you through it.

Wordpad does funky things with text that you have to watch out for, so I do not recommend it.

A google search for "free xml text editor" and your operating system will come up with many possibilities. For Windows, there's Notepad++, for example. It can highlight XML elements and help you match them up.

I deal with XML professionally, so I use UltraEdit with XML syntax checking (not a free product).

All of the MakeMKV profiles are stored in an archive in the MakeMKV program directory. If you want to add to them, you should store your new ones in the MakeMKV data directory (set in MakeMKV preferences).

To be honest, though, the conversions done by MakeMKV are not that flexible. I primarily have MakeMKV copy the audio tracks straight into the MKV file, then use handbrake to both compress the video AND make adjustments to the audio tracks. I can choose the mixdown of channels, which MakeMKV doesn't allow.
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Re: Add more profiles

Post by Onlyme »

So the best thing is to the next version add more profiles.
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Re: Add more profiles

Post by Woodstock »

I won't suggest getting your hopes up, because the AC3 profile was posted by a user on the forum back in 2011, and it's still not in the distribution.
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Re: Add more profiles

Post by Onlyme »

How i can add a profile that convert anything into simple ac3(Not truehd).
If there is an EASY way to simply add this profile and NOT replace any other please give me a guide.

Or create a topic with guide or create the modified file that has MORE options and tell us to simply download it and replace it the original at the program folder.
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Re: Add more profiles

Post by Onlyme »

And now i try to convert flac audio into stereo-aac and program don't do it.
Even it finish normally when i check the mkv file to the program mediainfo tell me the audio still remains flac.
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Re: Add more profiles

Post by Onlyme »

Woodstock wrote:
Thu Mar 17, 2022 8:11 pm
You can create the files in notepad, but it won't do anything to help you through it.

Wordpad does funky things with text that you have to watch out for, so I do not recommend it.

A google search for "free xml text editor" and your operating system will come up with many possibilities. For Windows, there's Notepad++, for example. It can highlight XML elements and help you match them up.

I deal with XML professionally, so I use UltraEdit with XML syntax checking (not a free product).

All of the MakeMKV profiles are stored in an archive in the MakeMKV program directory. If you want to add to them, you should store your new ones in the MakeMKV data directory (set in MakeMKV preferences).

To be honest, though, the conversions done by MakeMKV are not that flexible. I primarily have MakeMKV copy the audio tracks straight into the MKV file, then use handbrake to both compress the video AND make adjustments to the audio tracks. I can choose the mixdown of channels, which MakeMKV doesn't allow.
I find the ultraedit but still don't know what i must do to add a profile to the makemkv program
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Re: Add more profiles

Post by dcoke22 »

Conversion profiles aren't super well documented, as Woodstock has suggested.

MakeMKV's purpose isn't really to do conversions like this. MakeMKV's goal is to get a complete copy of the bits off the disc. Conversion of audio tracks and recompression of the video is best handled by another program like Handbrake or ffmpeg.

If your goal is to get all audio tracks into Dolby Digital AC3… Dolby TrueHD will include a Dolby Digital AC3 'lossy core' which MakeMKV separates out into a separate audio track. Just select it. DTS and DTS-MA doesn't include AC3. For that your best bet is to convert those audio tracks to AC3 after creating a .mkv file with a program better suited to the task. For example: Simple DTS to AC3 using FFmpeg
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Re: Add more profiles

Post by Onlyme »

Again you don't suggest the using makemkv as i use it(To re-encoded for mkv files) then simply DON'T HAVE THIS OPTIONS.



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Re: Add more profiles

Post by Woodstock »

If the program does not do what YOU, the person identifying as "Onlyme", want it to do, you have the option of discontinuing its use. Life is far too short to continue doing things that annoy or frustrate you, unless you consider it enjoyable. Your increasing intensity of response indicates that you do not enjoy it, though.

You seem to have a rather "edge case" use for a program intended to pull video from copy-protected optical disks, that does not involve pulling video from protected optical disks, and cannot accept that the general use of the program isn't the same as yours.

You have been told about a program that is intended to do exactly what you are asking MakeMKV to do, which is free and readily available. You refuse to consider using it, because you have fixated on having the author of MakeMKV accommodate your edge case.

You've made your suggestion. The author has the option of accepting your suggestion or not.

You have received suggestions on how to accomplish your task. You have the option of accepting the suggestions or not.