a external blu ray writer that can rip uhd 4k films from disc to pc and then burn them to disc as well thanks

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a external blu ray writer that can rip uhd 4k films from disc to pc and then burn them to disc as well thanks

Post by markyboy156 »

hi can anybody please help me out i want to buy a external blu ray writer i want to be able to rip uhd 4k blu ray films that you buy from any store and rip them to my pc hard drives and burn them to disc from my pc hardrives
as well can you give meca list of external blu ray writers that can do this i also want to rip them from rented uhd 4k films as well and then i want to se your software to do it thanks :D :twisted: :mrgreen: :roll: an
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Re: a external blu ray writer that can rip uhd 4k films from disc to pc and then burn them to disc as well thanks

Post by Woodstock »

A bit of searching would show you that the life of a pirate is expensive - you're asking for "the best" of two different things.

The best writers (Pioneer) are not UHD-friendly, so they won't rip disks.

For ripping, there are a number of recommendations in the messages "stuck" to the top of this forum.
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