WH16NS60 in Mac Pro 5,1 Not Playing 4K Blu-ray Discs

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WH16NS60 in Mac Pro 5,1 Not Playing 4K Blu-ray Discs

Post by walraven »

Good evening. I recently purchased an lg wh16ns60 and installed it into my Mac Pro 5,1. It's running firmware 1.03. I am not able to use VLC to play either Blu-Ray's or 4k blu-ray's. I am currently ripping a standard blu-ray with MakeMKV Beta for Mac OS and it seems to be working, but I have not been able to get the 4k Blu-ray to play or load in anything but Finder, which does recognize the title of the film. Am I missing a step to play 4k blu-rays besides installing the drive?
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Re: WH16NS60 in Mac Pro 5,1 Not Playing 4K Blu-ray Discs

Post by dcoke22 »

I've never tried to play a 4K UHD from the disc; I've only ever ripped them and then played the resulting .mkv file. Does that work on your system? I have been able to occasionally get regular blu-rays to play via VLC, but it seems to depend on how complicated the disc's menu is. Simpler ones seem to work but complicated Java ones are less likely to work. Again, I usually just default to getting the rip and dispensing with the rest.

Side note: The Mac Pro 5.1 is a cheese grater machine IIRC. Those things are tanks that just keep going. Which one do you have? The 3.33 Ghz 6-core model?
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Re: WH16NS60 in Mac Pro 5,1 Not Playing 4K Blu-ray Discs

Post by MartyMcNuts »

walraven wrote:
Thu Jan 14, 2021 1:44 am
Good evening. I recently purchased an lg wh16ns60 and installed it into my Mac Pro 5,1. It's running firmware 1.03. I am not able to use VLC to play either Blu-Ray's or 4k blu-ray's. I am currently ripping a standard blu-ray with MakeMKV Beta for Mac OS and it seems to be working, but I have not been able to get the 4k Blu-ray to play or load in anything but Finder, which does recognize the title of the film. Am I missing a step to play 4k blu-rays besides installing the drive?
Is that firmware the stock 1.03 or 1.03-MK?? If stock, ripping UHD's will not work. The drive needs to be flashed to MK firmware to enable UHD ripping. Also, playing UHD discs is very tricky. Either way, the drive must be flashed to MK firmware.
Cheers :D
For UHD enabled drives (AU/NZ/SG + Others) & DIY Single Drive Flasher (WW): https://uhdenableddrives.com
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