Copying My DVDs Works for Some Not for Others

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Copying My DVDs Works for Some Not for Others

Post by JackB »

I've copied 11 concert disks to an HDD for playback on my Shield TV using the VLC player. The problem is that 6 of them work fine but 5 of them show the folder(copied disk) as empty. I've tested it on my PC I used to make the copies and they all playback when using WMP through Windows Explorer. When I use the VLC player on this PC I have the same problem as with the Shield TV app. Five of the concerts won't play. They show the following error message:

Your input can't be opened:
VLC is unable to open the MRL 'dvd:///E:/Video/Bruce%20Springsteen%20-%20Barcelona%20D2'. Check the log for details.

I'm guessing, although my computer skills are not advanced, that somehow MakeMKV isn't setting up the correct or complete enough path to the copied disc. Can anyone give me some direction on how to fix this?
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Re: Copying My DVDs Works for Some Not for Others

Post by Woodstock »

VLC can directly play DVDs. It doesn't need MakeMKV running.
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Re: Copying My DVDs Works for Some Not for Others

Post by JackB »

I'm trying to eliminate bothering with dvds and loading them into the player by playing them off an HDD. That's what I'm using MakeMKV for. Since my posting I have been able to successfully copy 10 out of the 11. The one that hasn't worked gives me an error message that I have incompatible audio. Do you know what would be causing that? As far as I know it's a standard dvd. I can play it using WMP on the pc I copied it on. When the menu come up the audio choices are stereo and Dolby Surround 5.1.
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