Hello... I recently purchased the license for this and I had a few requests / suggestions for feature upgrades:
1. Allow definition of rules to auto-select / de-select titles and sub tracks based on things like size and description, possibly using Regex or some other pattern matching format (ex: auto-select the largest title on the disc / deselect all others, and auto-select all audio / sub-title tracks that contain "English", deselecting everything else)
2. Add a ping or some other option to indicate when MakeMKV has finished reading the track information after after initially loading / opening a disc.
3. Ability to set-up a regex rule to auto-name titles based on the disc name by default (ex: disc name is FOO_BAR_JONES, main title file name becomes "Foo Bar Jones.mkv")
4. Ability to auto-scan and save discs based on these preset rules.