
Everything related to MakeMKV
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Joined: Mon Mar 01, 2010 9:55 pm

Re: Expensive?

Post by popejobs »

"Greedy" is the wrong word and a bit unfair, but likewise the performance of the program in its current version doesn't live up to a $50 pricepoint. It would be foolish *not* to offer a stripped down version without the BD decryption for existing AnyDVDHD users. I think trying to reinvent the de-AACS wheel is going to limit the program's success especially when it's unclear the author(s) of MakeMKV will even be able to keep the decryption database updated for the latest titles the way Slysoft does.

Based on current market conditions I'd say the program should first focus on fixing its *reliability* with rendering MKV's (get the core functionality bulletproof - do ONE thing well), then think about integrating x264 to let people transcode to a smaller output file, and only then worry about getting into the shark infested waters of BD decryption- otherwise I predict a neverending sea of complaints from people about "title XYZ not decrypting."
Posts: 8
Joined: Wed Feb 03, 2010 11:21 pm

Re: Expensive?

Post by dom_b »

This was basically my point. AnyDVD is constantly updated to deal with new titles so why do it again? But then there is nothing out there for Mac and Linux users to do the same thing so I can see why it might need integrating into the app... Hence splitting it down the middle with a decyption version @ $50, standard version @ $25 might be the best way.

I think if I'm honest I wish I hadn't bought AnyDVD all that time ago and I might be a bit more willing to spend $50 on it! As it is though I have basically the best decryption app around so I don't really want to shell out for another one.


Its actually over ?54 here! Over $80? I really want to buy it and help out but can't at that money.
mike admin
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Joined: Wed Nov 26, 2008 2:26 am

Re: Expensive?

Post by mike admin »

It is absolutely your right to believe that AnyDVD is better then MakeMKV. It is your choice to decide what software to use or buy. You have all the right to have opinion that some other software is
basically the best decryption app
it's unclear the author(s) of MakeMKV will even be able to keep the decryption database updated for the latest titles the way Slysoft does
while history shows that since introducing full AACS and BD+ support MakeMKV was aways able to open all discs with latest protections even when AnyDVD wasn't able to open these discs for weeks.
While you have a right to shout your opinion, please, just don't do it here.