Ah then I'm out of luck. Demux.bat has failed for me so faryusesope wrote: ↑Sat Oct 03, 2020 1:15 pmNo my friend!
You cannot use MUX_AND_CONVERT_TO_MEL.bat and DEMUX_AND_CONVERT_TO_MEL.bat on the same file!
You would end up doing a mess ...
Please follow these instructions:yusesope wrote: ↑Thu Sep 17, 2020 2:59 pm
It goes without saying that these tests must be done on FEL titles. Do not use titles that are already MEL !!!!!
- In the case of a Dual Track Dual Layer DV file (e.g. an m2ts file in the BDMV\STREAM folder)
- Extract the base layer and the enhancement layer
Code: Select all
ffmpeg -i path\to\the\file.m2ts -ss 0 -t 120 -map 0:0 -c copy path\to\BL.hevc ffmpeg -i path\to\the\file.m2ts -ss 0 -t 120 -map 0:1 -c copy path\to\EL.hevc
- Using my tool, double click on the MUX_AND_CONVERT_TO_MEL.bat file and follow the instructions on the screen.
You will get a BL_EL_RPU.hevc file- Create a TS file using the BL_EL_RPU.hevc file and TsMuxeR
In case TsMuxeR does not return a working file, create an mp4 fileEXTRA (MKV):Code: Select all
mp4muxer -i path\to\BL_EL_RPU.hevc --dv-profile 7 -o path\to\TEST_FILE.mp4
Using my tool, double click on "DEMUX.bat" and drag and drop BL_EL_RPU.hevc
You will get a BL.hevc file and a EL_RPU.hevc file
Import the two BL.hevc (as first) and EL_RPU.hevc (as second) into TsMuxeR and create an ISO file.
Open the ISO with MakeMKV