Dolby Vision now possible through MP4 Mux.

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Re: Dolby Vision now possible through MP4 Mux.

Post by whiplash1 »

yusesope wrote:
Sat Oct 03, 2020 1:15 pm
whiplash1 wrote:
Sat Oct 03, 2020 11:44 am
I should have used Mux and convert to MEL.bat and then followed up with Demux and convert to MEL.bat....
No my friend!
You cannot use MUX_AND_CONVERT_TO_MEL.bat and DEMUX_AND_CONVERT_TO_MEL.bat on the same file!
You would end up doing a mess ...
Please follow these instructions:
yusesope wrote:
Thu Sep 17, 2020 2:59 pm

    It goes without saying that these tests must be done on FEL titles. Do not use titles that are already MEL !!!!!
    • In the case of a Dual Track Dual Layer DV file (e.g. an m2ts file in the BDMV\STREAM folder)
      • Extract the base layer and the enhancement layer

        Code: Select all

        ffmpeg -i path\to\the\file.m2ts -ss 0 -t 120 -map 0:0 -c copy path\to\BL.hevc
        ffmpeg -i path\to\the\file.m2ts -ss 0 -t 120 -map 0:1 -c copy path\to\EL.hevc
      • Using my tool, double click on the MUX_AND_CONVERT_TO_MEL.bat file and follow the instructions on the screen.
        You will get a BL_EL_RPU.hevc file
      • Create a TS file using the BL_EL_RPU.hevc file and TsMuxeR

        EXTRA (MP4):
        In case TsMuxeR does not return a working file, create an mp4 file

        Code: Select all

        mp4muxer -i path\to\BL_EL_RPU.hevc --dv-profile 7 -o path\to\TEST_FILE.mp4
        EXTRA (MKV):
        Using my tool, double click on "DEMUX.bat" and drag and drop BL_EL_RPU.hevc
        You will get a BL.hevc file and a EL_RPU.hevc file
        Import the two BL.hevc (as first) and EL_RPU.hevc (as second) into TsMuxeR and create an ISO file.
        Open the ISO with MakeMKV
Ah then I'm out of luck. Demux.bat has failed for me so far :( Might have to go the Profile 8 route.
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Re: Dolby Vision now possible through MP4 Mux.

Post by spezi »

The device plays only Single Track Dual Layer MEL films -> use MUX_AND_CONVERT_TO_MEL.bat and DEMUX_AND_CONVERT_TO_MEL.bat in case of FEL films. Use MUX.bat and DEMUX.bat in the case of MEL films. (e.g Fire Stick 4K)
You mean DEMUX.bat, right?
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Re: Dolby Vision now possible through MP4 Mux.

Post by RESET_9999 »

lexyz wrote:
Sat Oct 03, 2020 8:35 am
I've tested notrious MI:Fallout scene on Shield TV and ... nope, still reddish blocks.
Files are here
This leads me to think that the Shield issue is not FEL or MEL related, but that DoVi metadata is not properly handled by decoder
Thats why some FEL/MEL titles have no issues while other have.
But without proper tools it's impossible to catch a difference in meta.
Doctor Sleep genuine BL_RPU profile 5 on Movies Anywhere and Vudu does not have the reddish blocks issue so i dont think the problem is the metadata but is how the file is made and is how the shield decode it.
I don't own MI:Fallout on Vudu but im sure it plays without issue on the shield.
I will compare @yusesope single layer bl_rpu P8 vs genuine single layer bl_rpu P5 this weekend.
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Re: Dolby Vision now possible through MP4 Mux.

Post by yusesope »

whiplash1 wrote:
Sat Oct 03, 2020 1:19 pm
Ah then I'm out of luck. Demux.bat has failed for me so far :( Might have to go the Profile 8 route.
Don't give up and try other movies too!
spezi wrote:
Sat Oct 03, 2020 2:18 pm
The device plays only Single Track Dual Layer MEL films -> use MUX_AND_CONVERT_TO_MEL.bat and DEMUX_AND_CONVERT_TO_MEL.bat in case of FEL films. Use MUX.bat and DEMUX.bat in the case of MEL films. (e.g Fire Stick 4K)
You mean DEMUX.bat, right?
No, I meant just what I wrote.
If your device can only play MEL titles, then, in the case of a FEL movie, you will have to use MUX_AND_CONVERT_TO_MEL.bat and DEMUX_AND_CONVERT_TO_MEL.bat. The first in the case of a Dual Track Dual Layer DV file and the second in the case of a Single Track Dual Layer DV file.
Both ".bat" files are interleaved in the conversion process. Which one to use depends on the type of file you have at the start!
I thought it was clear especially after writing a kilometer of instructions!

RESET_9999 wrote:
Sat Oct 03, 2020 2:42 pm
Doctor Sleep genuine BL_RPU profile 5 on Movies Anywhere and Vudu does not have the reddish blocks issue so i dont think the problem is the metadata but is how the file is made and is how the shield decode it.
I don't own MI:Fallout on Vudu but im sure it plays without issue on the shield.
I will compare @yusesope single layer bl_rpu P8 vs genuine single layer bl_rpu P5 this weekend.
I'm already going to make popcorn :lol: !
I look forward to your comparisons as much as an episode of my favorite TV series :D !
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Re: Dolby Vision now possible through MP4 Mux.

Post by spezi »

spezi wrote: ↑
Sat Oct 03, 2020 4:18 pm

The device plays only Single Track Dual Layer MEL films -> use MUX_AND_CONVERT_TO_MEL.bat and DEMUX_AND_CONVERT_TO_MEL.bat in case of FEL films. Use MUX.bat and DEMUX.bat in the case of MEL films. (e.g Fire Stick 4K)

You mean DEMUX.bat, right?
No, I meant just what I wrote.
I see. Thanks.
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Re: Dolby Vision now possible through MP4 Mux.

Post by blenky »

ghostshadow wrote:
Sat Oct 03, 2020 8:42 am
blenky wrote:
Fri Oct 02, 2020 6:32 pm
Managed to get 8.1 working on Zidoo z9X by using tsmuxer to combine with Atmos audio from UHD to create ISO. Then created MKV with MakeMKV. Only thing is audio is out of sync. Need to offset audio ahead by about half a second.

Playback gets juddery after about 5 minutes - unwatchable at that point
hello, in your mediainfo in your audio track you have:
Delay relative to video : -2 s 836 ms
I didn't add any delay. Each time I mux the hevc file and the atmos audio from the UHD it puts in that automatically
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Re: Dolby Vision now possible through MP4 Mux.

Post by blenky »

Did some more testing again as follows on 1917 UHD to play on Zidoo Z9X

Process below I used recommended versions of all software
  • created BL.hevc and EL.hevc using ffmpeg
  • MUX_AND_CONVERT_TO_PROFILE_81.bat to create BL_EL_RPU.hevc
  • mp4muxer with BL_EL_RPU.hevc to create .mp4
  • tsmuxer to create iso muxing .mp4 and atmos audio from UHD
  • Finally used makemkv on the ISO created in last step. I need to do this as the ISO created plays back in HDR10
The final MKV plays in DV fine for a few minutes but then gets choppy.
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Re: Dolby Vision now possible through MP4 Mux.

Post by whiplash1 »

whiplash1 wrote:
Sat Oct 03, 2020 1:19 pm
yusesope wrote:
Sat Oct 03, 2020 1:15 pm
whiplash1 wrote:
Sat Oct 03, 2020 11:44 am
I should have used Mux and convert to MEL.bat and then followed up with Demux and convert to MEL.bat....
No my friend!
You cannot use MUX_AND_CONVERT_TO_MEL.bat and DEMUX_AND_CONVERT_TO_MEL.bat on the same file!
You would end up doing a mess ...
Please follow these instructions:
yusesope wrote:
Thu Sep 17, 2020 2:59 pm

    It goes without saying that these tests must be done on FEL titles. Do not use titles that are already MEL !!!!!
    • In the case of a Dual Track Dual Layer DV file (e.g. an m2ts file in the BDMV\STREAM folder)
      • Extract the base layer and the enhancement layer

        Code: Select all

        ffmpeg -i path\to\the\file.m2ts -ss 0 -t 120 -map 0:0 -c copy path\to\BL.hevc
        ffmpeg -i path\to\the\file.m2ts -ss 0 -t 120 -map 0:1 -c copy path\to\EL.hevc
      • Using my tool, double click on the MUX_AND_CONVERT_TO_MEL.bat file and follow the instructions on the screen.
        You will get a BL_EL_RPU.hevc file
      • Create a TS file using the BL_EL_RPU.hevc file and TsMuxeR

        EXTRA (MP4):
        In case TsMuxeR does not return a working file, create an mp4 file

        Code: Select all

        mp4muxer -i path\to\BL_EL_RPU.hevc --dv-profile 7 -o path\to\TEST_FILE.mp4
        EXTRA (MKV):
        Using my tool, double click on "DEMUX.bat" and drag and drop BL_EL_RPU.hevc
        You will get a BL.hevc file and a EL_RPU.hevc file
        Import the two BL.hevc (as first) and EL_RPU.hevc (as second) into TsMuxeR and create an ISO file.
        Open the ISO with MakeMKV
Ah then I'm out of luck. Demux.bat has failed for me so far :( Might have to go the Profile 8 route.
Hi yusesope, so far I've observed that, for me DEMUX.bat is stopping immediately only for very large files. It works just fine for shorter clips. I tested BL_EL_RPUs of the same movie with different short durations. They all demux fine, it only fails when I feed the entire movie's BL_EL_RPU. I think it could be a hardware issue? Unable to handle a huge file at once but succeeding with smaller files? Let me know if you have any ideas.
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Re: Dolby Vision now possible through MP4 Mux.

Post by yusesope »

blenky wrote:
Sat Oct 03, 2020 7:41 pm
The final MKV plays in DV fine for a few minutes but then gets choppy.
Why don't you also try an mp4 and/or ts file?
Also, you don't need to create an mp4 file before creating the ISO with TsMuxeR. Import the HEVC raw stream directly in TsMuxeR.
whiplash1 wrote:
Sun Oct 04, 2020 4:22 am
I think it could be a hardware issue? Unable to handle a huge file at once but succeeding with smaller files? Let me know if you have any ideas.
I was thinking the same thing.
It could be a hardware related anomaly.
From what you tell me it seems to me that the writing process is faster (at a particular time) than the reading process.
Usually the reverse is always true but perhaps the hardware (???), Windows (???), a combination of the two (???), can make the program believe that the writing process is finished and therefore the program ends itself.

Long story short, I have updated the tool.
Download the new test version always from THIS post!
Let me know!
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Re: Dolby Vision now possible through MP4 Mux.

Post by whiplash1 »

yusesope wrote:
Sun Oct 04, 2020 9:41 am
whiplash1 wrote:
Sun Oct 04, 2020 4:22 am
I think it could be a hardware issue? Unable to handle a huge file at once but succeeding with smaller files? Let me know if you have any ideas.
I was thinking the same thing.
It could be a hardware related anomaly.
From what you tell me it seems to me that the writing process is faster (at a particular time) than the reading process.
Usually the reverse is always true but perhaps the hardware (???), Windows (???), a combination of the two (???), can make the program believe that the writing process is finished and therefore the program ends itself.

Long story short, I have updated the tool.
Download the new test version always from THIS post!
Let me know!
I think I figured out a potential solution, I edited the and increased the load bearing factor. Did some trial and error with the values, with increments of 100 and the demuxing started running with some stability. However it still kept ending prematurely. I'm currently running it at a value of 25000! and the progress is very slow but it's the farthest I've gotten so far, at 15%. Initially with the default value of 500, it was always ending prematurely at about ~50/55 seconds. I'll keep observing and post results.
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Re: Dolby Vision now possible through MP4 Mux.

Post by yusesope »

whiplash1 wrote:
Sun Oct 04, 2020 9:46 am
I edited the and increased the load bearing factor.
There is a dedicated switch (-lbf) for that parameter.
In this case, however, it is not needed (it is a parameter that has to do with the RAM usage)
Do not modify the source code or I will no longer be able to understand what is wrong in case of future problems.
Use the new test version I just posted to you!
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Re: Dolby Vision now possible through MP4 Mux.

Post by whiplash1 »

yusesope wrote:
Sun Oct 04, 2020 9:54 am
whiplash1 wrote:
Sun Oct 04, 2020 9:46 am
I edited the and increased the load bearing factor.
There is a dedicated switch (-lbf) for that parameter.
In this case, however, it is not needed (it is a parameter that has to do with the RAM usage)
Do not modify the source code or I will no longer be able to understand what is wrong in case of future problems.
Use the new test version I just posted to you!
Of course, downloading it right now. As always, thank you so much for your efforts man.
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Re: Dolby Vision now possible through MP4 Mux.

Post by Tomas »

blenky wrote:
Sat Oct 03, 2020 7:41 pm
Did some more testing again as follows on 1917 UHD to play on Zidoo Z9X

Process below I used recommended versions of all software
  • created BL.hevc and EL.hevc using ffmpeg
  • MUX_AND_CONVERT_TO_PROFILE_81.bat to create BL_EL_RPU.hevc
  • mp4muxer with BL_EL_RPU.hevc to create .mp4
  • tsmuxer to create iso muxing .mp4 and atmos audio from UHD
  • Finally used makemkv on the ISO created in last step. I need to do this as the ISO created plays back in HDR10
The final MKV plays in DV fine for a few minutes but then gets choppy.
Hi, I also have a Zidoo z9x. I was rehearsing a Ninja Turtles movie. I converted in MUX_AND_CONVERT_TO_PROFILE_81.bat, I converted the resulting file to .ts. The film plays, but then the film starts to tear.
Now I'm going to try to convert the movie Transformers. I'll write how I ended up.
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Re: Dolby Vision now possible through MP4 Mux.

Post by spezi »

whiplash1 wrote: ↑
Sun Oct 04, 2020 6:22 am
I think it could be a hardware issue? Unable to handle a huge file at once but succeeding with smaller files? Let me know if you have any ideas.
I think your BL+EL+RPU.hevc is damaged.
First use latest MakeMKV (1.15.3) and create a working film.mkv (dvhe 07, BL+EL+RPU).
Then create a proper BL+EL+RPU.hevc using ffmpeg:

Code: Select all

ffmpeg64.exe -i film.mkv -map 0:0 -c copy BL_EL_RPU.hevc
This is working on all my tests.
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Re: Dolby Vision now possible through MP4 Mux.

Post by whiplash1 »

spezi wrote:
Sun Oct 04, 2020 10:56 am
whiplash1 wrote: ↑
Sun Oct 04, 2020 6:22 am
I think it could be a hardware issue? Unable to handle a huge file at once but succeeding with smaller files? Let me know if you have any ideas.
I think your BL+EL+RPU.hevc is damaged.
First use latest MakeMKV (1.15.3) and create a working film.mkv (dvhe 07, BL+EL+RPU).
Then create a proper BL+EL+RPU.hevc using ffmpeg:

Code: Select all

ffmpeg64.exe -i film.mkv -map 0:0 -c copy BL_EL_RPU.hevc
This is working on all my tests.
Alright but will Makemkv combine the base layer and enhancement layer into a single BL_EL_RPU stream for FEL movies? Asking because mediainfo so far doesn't show such data for DV mkv files. They're yet to update it.
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