Problem with selection of subtitles

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Problem with selection of subtitles

Post by apdso9 »

I have a Problem.
I want to rip the Bluray "only 60 seconds".
The Bluray have 4 sutitles in English and 4 subtitles in German.
How to check wich subtitle is for the deaf and wich one is the regular subtitle / forced subtitle?
For testing I choose all subtitles 4 English and 4 German.
When I open the MKV-File in VLC I can see only 2 English subtitles (subtitle / forced subtitle)
and 2 German subtitles (subtitle / forced subtitle).
The remarkable is thath the English subtitle and forced subtitle is the same (you can read everything that is spoken)
Could someone please help me?
I want only the regular subtitle / forced subtitle without any deaf thing...

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Re: Problem with selection of subtitles

Post by setarip_old »


Subtitles take up very little space, so I always select ALL of them...

Posts: 21
Joined: Mon Dec 20, 2010 8:27 am

Re: Problem with selection of subtitles

Post by apdso9 »

OK I selectec all 8 subtitles (4 english) and (4 german).
Now in Mediainfo and VLC I only see (2 english) and (2 german) subtitles...
Whats the problem??
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Joined: Wed Dec 09, 2009 1:31 pm

Re: Problem with selection of subtitles

Post by setarip_old »

There is no problem - It just means that the disc contains NO "Forced" subtitles...

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