MakeMKV v1.6.2 win(x64-release) started
Backing up disc into folder "E:/_NewBluRayTest/KnightAndDay_Fox"
Downloading latest SVQ(s) to E:/___Temp/MakeMKV_SVQ\SVQ ...
Loaded 45 SVQ file(s)
Processing BD+ code, please be patient - this may take up to few minutes
Processing BD+ code using generic SVQ from builtin/00001.svq
Failed to process BD+ code using generic SVQ from builtin/00001.svq
Processing BD+ code using generic SVQ from builtin/00000.svq
Failed to process BD+ code using generic SVQ from builtin/00000.svq
Saved BD+ dump file as E:/___Temp/MakeMKV_SVQ\Dump/dump_Knight_and_Day_6EB00C496699071E.tgz
Failed to process BD+ code, please check for updated program and SVQ files
Backup failed
I have submitted the dump...