Attention: First Time Drive Flashers - ask before you flash!

Discussion of LibreDrive mode, compatible drives and firmwares
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Attention: First Time Drive Flashers - ask before you flash!

Post by jonghotti »

Despite multiple documents, videos, and discussions there are still too many incidents of bricking drives going down.
If you are NOT 100% sure of yourself just stop, do not proceed with flashing.
Ask Me instead.

Text 650-850-2442

Keep the questions to yes or no answers for faster service:

"My drive is model xxx I'm about to flash it with the file yyy with the flasher entitled zzz - am I right to do this?"

First thing I'm going to ask is for a picture of the sticker on the top of the drive, ASUS or LG doesn't matter there's a sticker on top, older ASUS sometimes on the bottom. I need to see it to verify the firmware revision of the drive. If it's too old to be updated to enable LibreDrive / 4K UHD ripping support you'll know right away.

If I don't reply immediately I'm temporarily unavailable but will be back.

So yeah, not 100% about what you're about to flash, ask! Talk to you soon!
The Original "UHD Friendly" Drive Seller ... 20&t=17829
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