BUG: MakeMKV 1.15.1 Evaluation period expired

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BUG: MakeMKV 1.15.1 Evaluation period expired

Post by basdf » Sat Jun 06, 2020 12:38 am

I'm on the latest MakeMKV build 1.15.1, which means all functionality should be free and not require a key.

Now whenever I insert a BD, I get an error saying "Evaluation period expired. Please purchase a key..."

I should note that because it's Linux (Mint 18.3) I had to install it manually via the locked thread instructions. The program seems to have updated fine (new UI), but it's still acting like I have an old version without a legit key.

I did install it over a previous version and there's no instructions I found to uninstall MakeMKV completely and then install it fresh to avoid this annoying bug.

It's also June 5, nearly a week after the key that's currently posted in the "free while in beta" thread, so I've been stuck for almost a week trying to get this to work.

Please help.

Edited: All of this is explained in the STICKY message, Expiration of beta key, and this topic is locked as explained there in.
