Show All Playlist

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Show All Playlist

Post by drxenos »

Is there a way to make MakeMKV show all playlist? I love special features, but MakeMKV will often not list their mpls in it's GUI.

I understand not show ones less than the minimum length or duplicates, but that's not the case.

Sometimes I can find them because MakeMKV will list them by their m2ts files. That brings up another question. What rhyme or reason does MakeMKV use to decide to show a video by its mpls or m2ts files?

I also have a case where the MakeMKV log said the mpls for the video was added at #3 in it's GUI, but was completely missing. I'm not sure if this is a bug or I'm just an idiot.

Posts: 74
Joined: Sun Mar 17, 2019 12:55 pm

Re: Show All Playlist

Post by drxenos »

This is odd...

I'm looking through the scan log and one of the mpls I am interested in (342), the log says was added as title #3. But it's not. The reason is further down, it says that title was removed as being identical to 800 (the actual movie). 342 is only 4 minutes long. They are in no way identical. It also removed several others I am interested in, saying they are identical to 342 (which they aren't).

I'd post the log, but it exceeds the max. allowed characters. I could post snippets.

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