The sound stutters. But not from the start of the video.

Please post here for issues related to DVD discs
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Posts: 5
Joined: Sat Apr 25, 2020 3:36 pm

The sound stutters. But not from the start of the video.

#1 Post by Pramuda » Sat Apr 25, 2020 3:49 pm

Hello. I really liked your application. I did not find it better)

I have a few rips of Kundalini Yoga.
When I create MKV with your application, the sound stutters. But not from the start of the video.
And the same thing happens with all rips.

Is it possible to fix this? Help me please. I put a log.

Code: Select all

MakeMKV v1.15.1 darwin(x64-release) started
Debug logging enabled, log will be saved as /Users/Pramuda/MakeMKV_log.txt
The program can't find any usable optical drives.
Opening files on harddrive at /Volumes/Love space/Films/*Yoga/4 Chakra Love/VIDEO_TS
Calculated BUP offset for VTS #1 does not match one in IFO header.
Calculated BUP offset for VTS #2 does not match one in IFO header.
Calculated BUP offset for VTS #3 does not match one in IFO header.
Calculated BUP offset for VTS #4 does not match one in IFO header.
Calculated BUP offset for VTS #5 does not match one in IFO header.
Calculated BUP offset for VTS #6 does not match one in IFO header.
Calculated BUP offset for VTS #7 does not match one in IFO header.
Calculated BUP offset for VTS #8 does not match one in IFO header.
Cells 4-5 were skipped due to cell commands (structure protection?)
Cells 9-end were skipped due to cell commands (structure protection?)
Title #1 was added (5 cell(s), 0:36:54)
Title #2 has length of 9 seconds which is less than minimum title length of 120 seconds and was therefore skipped
Title #3 has length of 4 seconds which is less than minimum title length of 120 seconds and was therefore skipped
Title #4 has length of 10 seconds which is less than minimum title length of 120 seconds and was therefore skipped
Title #5 has length of 32 seconds which is less than minimum title length of 120 seconds and was therefore skipped
Title #6 has length of 10 seconds which is less than minimum title length of 120 seconds and was therefore skipped
Title #7 has length of 10 seconds which is less than minimum title length of 120 seconds and was therefore skipped
Title #8 has length of 32 seconds which is less than minimum title length of 120 seconds and was therefore skipped
DEBUG: Code 233 at 1cwCbNHocdToQRhddL66nwQk:0
Operation successfully completed

Saving 1 titles into directory /Users/Pramuda/Downloads/kundalini yoga
AV synchronization issues were found in file '/Users/Pramuda/Downloads/kundalini yoga/title_t00.mkv' (title #1)
AV sync issue in stream 0 at 0:05:38.180 : video frame timecode differs by +227.34s
AV sync issue in stream 1 at 0:05:37.570 with duration of 227.523s : audio gap was filled with silence
AV sync issue in stream 2 at 0:05:37.575 with duration of 227.521s : audio gap was filled with silence
AV sync issue in stream 1 at 0:09:25.100 with duration of 1.666ms : audio gap was filled with silence
AV sync issue in stream 1 at 0:09:25.141 with duration of 1.666ms : audio gap was filled with silence
AV sync issue in stream 2 at 0:09:25.136 with duration of 1.666ms : audio gap was filled with silence
AV sync issue in stream 2 at 0:09:25.178 with duration of 1.666ms : audio gap was filled with silence
AV sync issue in stream 1 at 0:09:25.176 with duration of 1.666ms : audio gap was filled with silence
AV sync issue in stream 1 at 0:09:25.218 with duration of 1.666ms : audio gap was filled with silence
AV sync issue in stream 2 at 0:09:25.210 with duration of 1.666ms : audio gap was filled with silence
AV sync issue in stream 2 at 0:09:25.251 with duration of 1.666ms : audio gap was filled with silence
AV sync issue in stream 1 at 0:09:25.260 with duration of 1.666ms : audio gap was filled with silence
AV sync issue in stream 2 at 0:09:25.283 with duration of 1.666ms : audio gap was filled with silence
AV sync issue in stream 2 at 0:09:25.325 with duration of 1.666ms : audio gap was filled with silence
AV sync issue in stream 1 at 0:09:25.336 with duration of 1.666ms : audio gap was filled with silence
AV sync issue in stream 1 at 0:09:25.378 with duration of 1.666ms : audio gap was filled with silence
AV sync issue in stream 2 at 0:09:25.366 with duration of 1.666ms : audio gap was filled with silence
AV sync issue in stream 2 at 0:09:25.398 with duration of 1.666ms : audio gap was filled with silence
AV sync issue in stream 1 at 0:09:25.420 with duration of 1.666ms : audio gap was filled with silence
AV sync issue in stream 1 at 0:09:25.455 with duration of 1.666ms : audio gap was filled with silence
AV sync issue in stream 2 at 0:09:25.440 with duration of 1.666ms : audio gap was filled with silence
AV sync issue in stream 2 at 0:09:25.481 with duration of 1.666ms : audio gap was filled with silence
AV sync issue in stream 2 at 0:09:25.513 with duration of 1.666ms : audio gap was filled with silence
AV sync issue in stream 1 at 0:09:25.496 with duration of 1.666ms : audio gap was filled with silence
AV sync issue in stream 1 at 0:09:25.538 with duration of 1.666ms : audio gap was filled with silence
AV sync issue in stream 2 at 0:09:25.555 with duration of 1.666ms : audio gap was filled with silence
AV sync issue in stream 2 at 0:09:25.596 with duration of 1.666ms : audio gap was filled with silence
AV sync issue in stream 1 at 0:09:25.615 with duration of 1.666ms : audio gap was filled with silence
AV sync issue in stream 1 at 0:09:25.656 with duration of 1.666ms : audio gap was filled with silence
AV sync issue in stream 2 at 0:09:25.628 with duration of 1.666ms : audio gap was filled with silence
AV sync issue in stream 2 at 0:09:25.670 with duration of 1.666ms : audio gap was filled with silence
AV sync issue in stream 1 at 0:09:25.698 with duration of 1.666ms : audio gap was filled with silence
AV sync issue in stream 1 at 0:09:25.733 with duration of 1.666ms : audio gap was filled with silence
AV sync issue in stream 2 at 0:09:25.701 with duration of 1.666ms : audio gap was filled with silence
AV sync issue in stream 2 at 0:09:25.743 with duration of 1.666ms : audio gap was filled with silence
AV sync issue in stream 1 at 0:09:25.775 with duration of 1.666ms : audio gap was filled with silence
AV sync issue in stream 1,2 at 0:09:25.816 with duration of 1.666ms : audio gap was filled with silence
AV sync issue in stream 2 at 0:09:25.785 with duration of 1.666ms : audio gap was filled with silence
AV sync issue in stream 1 at 0:09:25.893 with duration of 1.666ms : audio gap was filled with silence
AV sync issue in stream 2 at 0:09:25.858 with duration of 1.666ms : audio gap was filled with silence
AV sync issue in stream 2 at 0:09:25.900 with duration of 1.666ms : audio gap was filled with silence
AV sync issue in stream 2 at 0:09:25.931 with duration of 1.666ms : audio gap was filled with silence
AV sync issue in stream 1 at 0:09:25.935 with duration of 1.666ms : audio gap was filled with silence
AV sync issue in stream 1 at 0:09:25.976 with duration of 1.666ms : audio gap was filled with silence
AV sync issue in stream 2 at 0:09:25.973 with duration of 1.666ms : audio gap was filled with silence
AV sync issue in stream 2 at 0:09:26.015 with duration of 1.666ms : audio gap was filled with silence
AV sync issue in stream 1 at 0:09:26.011 with duration of 1.666ms : audio gap was filled with silence
AV sync issue in stream 1 at 0:09:26.053 with duration of 1.666ms : audio gap was filled with silence
AV sync issue in stream 2 at 0:09:26.046 with duration of 1.666ms : audio gap was filled with silence
AV sync issue in stream 2 at 0:09:26.088 with duration of 1.666ms : audio gap was filled with silence
AV sync issue in stream 1 at 0:09:26.095 with duration of 1.666ms : audio gap was filled with silence
AV sync issue in stream 2 at 0:09:26.120 with duration of 1.666ms : audio gap was filled with silence
AV sync issue in stream 2 at 0:09:26.161 with duration of 1.666ms : audio gap was filled with silence
AV sync issue in stream 1 at 0:09:26.171 with duration of 1.666ms : audio gap was filled with silence
AV sync issue in stream 1 at 0:09:26.213 with duration of 1.666ms : audio gap was filled with silence
AV sync issue in stream 2 at 0:09:26.203 with duration of 1.666ms : audio gap was filled with silence
AV sync issue in stream 2 at 0:09:26.235 with duration of 1.666ms : audio gap was filled with silence
AV sync issue in stream 1 at 0:09:26.255 with duration of 1.666ms : audio gap was filled with silence
AV sync issue in stream 1 at 0:09:26.290 with duration of 1.666ms : audio gap was filled with silence
AV sync issue in stream 2 at 0:09:26.276 with duration of 1.666ms : audio gap was filled with silence
AV sync issue in stream 2 at 0:09:26.318 with duration of 1.666ms : audio gap was filled with silence
AV sync issue in stream 2 at 0:09:26.350 with duration of 1.666ms : audio gap was filled with silence
AV sync issue in stream 1 at 0:09:26.331 with duration of 1.666ms : audio gap was filled with silence
AV sync issue in stream 1 at 0:09:26.373 with duration of 1.666ms : audio gap was filled with silence
AV sync issue in stream 2 at 0:09:26.391 with duration of 1.666ms : audio gap was filled with silence
AV sync issue in stream 2 at 0:09:26.433 with duration of 1.666ms : audio gap was filled with silence
AV sync issue in stream 1 at 0:09:26.450 with duration of 1.666ms : audio gap was filled with silence
AV sync issue in stream 1 at 0:09:26.491 with duration of 1.666ms : audio gap was filled with silence
AV sync issue in stream 2 at 0:09:26.465 with duration of 1.666ms : audio gap was filled with silence
AV sync issue in stream 2 at 0:09:26.506 with duration of 1.666ms : audio gap was filled with silence
AV sync issue in stream 1 at 0:09:26.533 with duration of 1.666ms : audio gap was filled with silence
AV sync issue in stream 1 at 0:09:26.568 with duration of 1.666ms : audio gap was filled with silence
AV sync issue in stream 2 at 0:09:26.538 with duration of 1.666ms : audio gap was filled with silence
AV sync issue in stream 2 at 0:09:26.580 with duration of 1.666ms : audio gap was filled with silence
AV sync issue in stream 1 at 0:09:26.610 with duration of 1.666ms : audio gap was filled with silence
AV sync issue in stream 1 at 0:09:26.651 with duration of 1.666ms : audio gap was filled with silence
AV sync issue in stream 2 at 0:09:26.621 with duration of 1.666ms : audio gap was filled with silence
AV sync issue in stream 2 at 0:09:26.653 with duration of 1.666ms : audio gap was filled with silence
AV sync issue in stream 1 at 0:09:26.728 with duration of 1.666ms : audio gap was filled with silence
AV sync issue in stream 2 at 0:09:26.695 with duration of 1.666ms : audio gap was filled with silence
AV sync issue in stream 2 at 0:09:26.736 with duration of 1.666ms : audio gap was filled with silence
AV sync issue in stream 2 at 0:09:26.768 with duration of 1.666ms : audio gap was filled with silence
AV sync issue in stream 1 at 0:09:26.770 with duration of 1.666ms : audio gap was filled with silence
AV sync issue in stream 1 at 0:09:26.811 with duration of 1.666ms : audio gap was filled with silence
AV sync issue in stream 2 at 0:09:26.810 with duration of 1.666ms : audio gap was filled with silence
AV sync issue in stream 2 at 0:09:26.851 with duration of 1.666ms : audio gap was filled with silence
AV sync issue in stream 1 at 0:09:26.846 with duration of 1.666ms : audio gap was filled with silence
AV sync issue in stream 1 at 0:09:26.888 with duration of 1.666ms : audio gap was filled with silence
AV sync issue in stream 2 at 0:09:26.883 with duration of 1.666ms : audio gap was filled with silence
AV sync issue in stream 2 at 0:09:26.925 with duration of 1.666ms : audio gap was filled with silence
AV sync issue in stream 1 at 0:09:26.930 with duration of 1.666ms : audio gap was filled with silence
AV sync issue in stream 2 at 0:09:26.956 with duration of 1.666ms : audio gap was filled with silence
AV sync issue in stream 2 at 0:09:26.998 with duration of 1.666ms : audio gap was filled with silence
AV sync issue in stream 1 at 0:09:27.006 with duration of 1.666ms : audio gap was filled with silence
AV sync issue in stream 1 at 0:09:27.048 with duration of 1.666ms : audio gap was filled with silence
AV sync issue in stream 2 at 0:09:27.040 with duration of 1.666ms : audio gap was filled with silence
AV sync issue in stream 2 at 0:09:27.071 with duration of 1.666ms : audio gap was filled with silence
AV sync issue in stream 1 at 0:09:27.090 with duration of 1.666ms : audio gap was filled with silence
AV sync issue in stream 1 at 0:09:27.125 with duration of 1.666ms : audio gap was filled with silence
AV sync issue in stream 2 at 0:09:27.113 with duration of 1.666ms : audio gap was filled with silence
Too many AV synchronization issues in file '/Users/Pramuda/Downloads/kundalini yoga/title_t00.mkv' (title #1) , future messages will be printed only to log file
The source file '/Volumes/Love space/Films/*Yoga/4 Chakra Love/VIDEO_TS/VTS_01_2.VOB' is corrupt or invalid at offset 992045056-996237312, attempting to work around
The source file '/Volumes/Love space/Films/*Yoga/4 Chakra Love/VIDEO_TS/VTS_01_2.VOB' is corrupt or invalid at offset 992045056-996237312, attempting to work around
The source file '/Volumes/Love space/Films/*Yoga/4 Chakra Love/VIDEO_TS/VTS_01_2.VOB' is corrupt or invalid at offset 992045056-996237312, attempting to work around
The source file '/Volumes/Love space/Films/*Yoga/4 Chakra Love/VIDEO_TS/VTS_01_2.VOB' is corrupt or invalid at offset 992045056-996237312, attempting to work around
The source file '/Volumes/Love space/Films/*Yoga/4 Chakra Love/VIDEO_TS/VTS_01_2.VOB' is corrupt or invalid at offset 992045056-996237312, attempting to work around
The source file '/Volumes/Love space/Films/*Yoga/4 Chakra Love/VIDEO_TS/VTS_01_2.VOB' is corrupt or invalid at offset 1159817216-1164009472, attempting to work around
The source file '/Volumes/Love space/Films/*Yoga/4 Chakra Love/VIDEO_TS/VTS_01_2.VOB' is corrupt or invalid at offset 1159817216-1164009472, attempting to work around
The source file '/Volumes/Love space/Films/*Yoga/4 Chakra Love/VIDEO_TS/VTS_01_2.VOB' is corrupt or invalid at offset 1159817216-1164009472, attempting to work around
The source file '/Volumes/Love space/Films/*Yoga/4 Chakra Love/VIDEO_TS/VTS_01_2.VOB' is corrupt or invalid at offset 1159817216-1164009472, attempting to work around
The source file '/Volumes/Love space/Films/*Yoga/4 Chakra Love/VIDEO_TS/VTS_01_2.VOB' is corrupt or invalid at offset 1159817216-1164009472, attempting to work around
The source file '/Volumes/Love space/Films/*Yoga/4 Chakra Love/VIDEO_TS/VTS_01_2.VOB' is corrupt or invalid at offset 1176594432-1180786688, attempting to work around
The source file '/Volumes/Love space/Films/*Yoga/4 Chakra Love/VIDEO_TS/VTS_01_2.VOB' is corrupt or invalid at offset 1176594432-1180786688, attempting to work around
The source file '/Volumes/Love space/Films/*Yoga/4 Chakra Love/VIDEO_TS/VTS_01_2.VOB' is corrupt or invalid at offset 1176594432-1180786688, attempting to work around
The source file '/Volumes/Love space/Films/*Yoga/4 Chakra Love/VIDEO_TS/VTS_01_2.VOB' is corrupt or invalid at offset 1176594432-1180786688, attempting to work around
The source file '/Volumes/Love space/Films/*Yoga/4 Chakra Love/VIDEO_TS/VTS_01_2.VOB' is corrupt or invalid at offset 1176594432-1180786688, attempting to work around
The source file '/Volumes/Love space/Films/*Yoga/4 Chakra Love/VIDEO_TS/VTS_01_2.VOB' is corrupt or invalid at offset 1281452032-1285644288, attempting to work around
The source file '/Volumes/Love space/Films/*Yoga/4 Chakra Love/VIDEO_TS/VTS_01_2.VOB' is corrupt or invalid at offset 1281452032-1285644288, attempting to work around
The source file '/Volumes/Love space/Films/*Yoga/4 Chakra Love/VIDEO_TS/VTS_01_2.VOB' is corrupt or invalid at offset 1281452032-1285644288, attempting to work around
The source file '/Volumes/Love space/Films/*Yoga/4 Chakra Love/VIDEO_TS/VTS_01_2.VOB' is corrupt or invalid at offset 1281452032-1285644288, attempting to work around
The source file '/Volumes/Love space/Films/*Yoga/4 Chakra Love/VIDEO_TS/VTS_01_2.VOB' is corrupt or invalid at offset 1281452032-1285644288, attempting to work around
The source file '/Volumes/Love space/Films/*Yoga/4 Chakra Love/VIDEO_TS/VTS_01_2.VOB' is corrupt or invalid at offset 1503750144-1507942400, attempting to work around
The source file '/Volumes/Love space/Films/*Yoga/4 Chakra Love/VIDEO_TS/VTS_01_2.VOB' is corrupt or invalid at offset 1503750144-1507942400, attempting to work around
The source file '/Volumes/Love space/Films/*Yoga/4 Chakra Love/VIDEO_TS/VTS_01_2.VOB' is corrupt or invalid at offset 1503750144-1507942400, attempting to work around
The source file '/Volumes/Love space/Films/*Yoga/4 Chakra Love/VIDEO_TS/VTS_01_2.VOB' is corrupt or invalid at offset 1503750144-1507942400, attempting to work around
The source file '/Volumes/Love space/Films/*Yoga/4 Chakra Love/VIDEO_TS/VTS_01_2.VOB' is corrupt or invalid at offset 1503750144-1507942400, attempting to work around
The source file '/Volumes/Love space/Films/*Yoga/4 Chakra Love/VIDEO_TS/VTS_01_2.VOB' is corrupt or invalid at offset 1700882432-1705074688, attempting to work around
The source file '/Volumes/Love space/Films/*Yoga/4 Chakra Love/VIDEO_TS/VTS_01_2.VOB' is corrupt or invalid at offset 1700882432-1705074688, attempting to work around
The source file '/Volumes/Love space/Films/*Yoga/4 Chakra Love/VIDEO_TS/VTS_01_2.VOB' is corrupt or invalid at offset 1700882432-1705074688, attempting to work around
The source file '/Volumes/Love space/Films/*Yoga/4 Chakra Love/VIDEO_TS/VTS_01_2.VOB' is corrupt or invalid at offset 1700882432-1705074688, attempting to work around
The source file '/Volumes/Love space/Films/*Yoga/4 Chakra Love/VIDEO_TS/VTS_01_2.VOB' is corrupt or invalid at offset 1700882432-1705074688, attempting to work around
1 titles saved

Posts: 10492
Joined: Sun Jul 24, 2011 11:21 pm

Re: The sound stutters. But not from the start of the video.

#3 Post by Woodstock » Sat Apr 25, 2020 7:53 pm

Also, does the sound stutter occur with all playback programs/devices?

Posts: 5
Joined: Sat Apr 25, 2020 3:36 pm

Re: The sound stutters. But not from the start of the video.

#4 Post by Pramuda » Mon May 04, 2020 3:22 pm

mike admin wrote:
Sat Apr 25, 2020 7:03 pm
Please do this -
LIBMKV_TRACE: Test dump mode on
Opening files on harddrive at /Volumes/Love space/*Films/*Yoga/3 Chakra Willpower /VIDEO_TS
Calculated BUP offset for VTS #1 does not match one in IFO header.
Calculated BUP offset for VTS #2 does not match one in IFO header.
Calculated BUP offset for VTS #3 does not match one in IFO header.
Calculated BUP offset for VTS #4 does not match one in IFO header.
Calculated BUP offset for VTS #5 does not match one in IFO header.
Calculated BUP offset for VTS #6 does not match one in IFO header.
Calculated BUP offset for VTS #7 does not match one in IFO header.
Calculated BUP offset for VTS #8 does not match one in IFO header.
Cells 4-5 were skipped due to cell commands (structure protection?)
Cells 9-end were skipped due to cell commands (structure protection?)
Title #1 was added (6 cell(s), 0:47:52)
Title #2 has length of 9 seconds which is less than minimum title length of 120 seconds and was therefore skipped
Title #3 has length of 4 seconds which is less than minimum title length of 120 seconds and was therefore skipped
Title #4 has length of 10 seconds which is less than minimum title length of 120 seconds and was therefore skipped
Title #5 has length of 32 seconds which is less than minimum title length of 120 seconds and was therefore skipped
Title #6 has length of 10 seconds which is less than minimum title length of 120 seconds and was therefore skipped
Title #7 has length of 10 seconds which is less than minimum title length of 120 seconds and was therefore skipped
Title #8 has length of 32 seconds which is less than minimum title length of 120 seconds and was therefore skipped
Operation successfully completed

Posts: 5
Joined: Sat Apr 25, 2020 3:36 pm

Re: The sound stutters. But not from the start of the video.

#5 Post by Pramuda » Mon May 04, 2020 3:24 pm

Woodstock wrote:
Sat Apr 25, 2020 7:53 pm
Also, does the sound stutter occur with all playback programs/devices?
Only in VLC (Mac)
In other players freezes.

Posts: 746
Joined: Sun Sep 13, 2015 10:21 pm
Location: Canada

Re: The sound stutters. But not from the start of the video.

#6 Post by preserve » Sat May 09, 2020 11:05 am

Pramuda wrote:
Mon May 04, 2020 3:24 pm
Only in VLC (Mac)
In other players freezes.
And the same thing happens with all rips.
Have you tried I find it to be better performance-wise than VLC.

My first guess would be a system/hardware/software issue, since it's happening with all your rips. I've never had a problem with sound stutter from any MakeMKV rips, DVD or Blu-ray.

Do you have access to another computer that you can test playback on?

Posts: 5
Joined: Sat Apr 25, 2020 3:36 pm

Re: The sound stutters. But not from the start of the video.

#7 Post by Pramuda » Sat May 16, 2020 10:06 pm

preserve wrote:
Sat May 09, 2020 11:05 am
Pramuda wrote:
Mon May 04, 2020 3:24 pm
Only in VLC (Mac)
In other players freezes.
And the same thing happens with all rips.
Have you tried I find it to be better performance-wise than VLC.

My first guess would be a system/hardware/software issue, since it's happening with all your rips. I've never had a problem with sound stutter from any MakeMKV rips, DVD or Blu-ray.

Do you have access to another computer that you can test playback on?

Posts: 746
Joined: Sun Sep 13, 2015 10:21 pm
Location: Canada

Re: The sound stutters. But not from the start of the video.

#8 Post by preserve » Tue May 19, 2020 3:54 pm

Hi, you quoted my reply, but you didn't write anything else :)

Hopefully you will be able to solve your problem!

Posts: 5
Joined: Sat Apr 25, 2020 3:36 pm

Re: The sound stutters. But not from the start of the video.

#9 Post by Pramuda » Wed May 20, 2020 12:04 pm

Preserv, sorry.
I did not understand the submission form. My message was deleted, and the empty one was sent.

I wrote.
My main players INNA and Mpv - do not play these DVDs. Video freezes in second chapter.
  And VLC - plays, although sometimes it stops to think and then continues to play.
  I assume that VLC has a built-in audio-video synchronization algorithm.

  Is it possible to enable audio-video synchronization in MakeMKV???

Posts: 746
Joined: Sun Sep 13, 2015 10:21 pm
Location: Canada

Re: The sound stutters. But not from the start of the video.

#10 Post by preserve » Fri May 22, 2020 1:48 am

"The source file ... is corrupt or invalid at offset 992045056-996237312, attempting to work around"

Possibly a bad disc?

Did you submit the test dump to the MakeMKV support email?

Post Reply