How-2 Install MakeMKV for non-Debian Linux (openSuSE)

The place to discuss linux version of MakeMKV
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How-2 Install MakeMKV for non-Debian Linux (openSuSE)

#1 Post by Wagonfixin » Sat Oct 23, 2010 4:35 am

UPDATED for MakeMKV version 1.17.1 on openSUSE Tumbleweed (21 Aug 22)

This is a quick how-2 for installing MakeMKV on non-Debian linux (in this case, the specific build dependencies for openSUSE Tumbleweed:

Note: The current Debian based build instructions are maintained with the Linux MakeMKV download links at:

REQUIRED : Download *both* the OSS & proprietary binary source tarballs for Linux at:

REQUIRED : Install the necessary Linux (openSUSE) host build dependencies (if not already installed) via pattern:

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sudo zypper install --type pattern devel_C_C++
REQUIRED : Install 3 additional development packages from the Tumbleweed repository:

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sudo zypper install libopenssl-devel libexpat-devel zlib-devel
REQUIRED : Install FFMPEG and 2 additional FFMPEG development packages from Packman's repository:

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sudo zypper install ffmpeg-5 ffmpeg-5-libavcodec-devel ffmpeg-5-libavutil-devel
REQUIRED : Install the app/GUI's target Qt5 (eg: v5.15) necessary development packages:

Code: Select all

sudo zypper install libQt5Core-devel libQt5DBus-devel libQt5Gui-devel libQt5Widgets-devel
REQUIRED : Prepare the libavcodec (ffmpeg) build environment for MakeMKV using the libraries from the Packman repository:
Using the Packman repositories for FFMPEG support is the most straight-forward method as Packman's repo provides simplified and up-to-date support for FFmpeg.
Note: Packman's FFmpeg does *not* provide/include Fraunhofer FDK AAC based support via libfdk-aac (due to licensing).
Support for the Fraunhofer FDK AAC (libfdk-aac) under libavcodec requires locally compiling ffmpeg with libfdk-aac and is not documented in this post.

1) Add the Tumbleweed specific Packman repo for openSUSE as documented at:
Link: ... es#Packman

For example, on openSUSE Tumbleweed, add all four of Packman's repository(s)::

Code: Select all

sudo zypper addrepo --refresh --priority 90 --name packman-all packman-all
2) Switch (upgrade) the existing openSSE distribution packages to those found in the Packman repository (if not already switched) via a repo Distro update::

Code: Select all

sudo zypper dist-upgrade --from packman-all --allow-vendor-change
3) Add the desired "ffmpeg" development support package(s) (if not already installed from the Packman repo):

Code: Select all

sudo zypper install --repo packman-all ffmpeg-5 ffmpeg-5-libavcodec-devel ffmpeg-5-libavutil-devel
REQUIRED : Extract, build and install the OSS "makemkv" files:
Note: This build intentionally is configured to be installed into /usr/local instead of the default /usr path.

Code: Select all

tar -xvf makemkv-oss*.tar.gz
cd makemkv-oss*/
./configure --prefix=/usr/local
make -j$(nproc)
sudo make install
REQUIRED : Extract, build, and install the closed source binary "makemkvcon" files:

Code: Select all

tar -xvf makemkv-bin*.tar.gz
cd makemkv-bin*/
sed -i 's|PREFIX=\/usr|PREFIX=\/usr\/local|g' ./Makefile
 - (Type 'q', then 'yes' to accept the license.)
sudo make install
sudo ln --symbolic --force /usr/local/bin/makemkvcon /usr/bin/sdftool
MakeMKV is fully built and installed at this point, the following optional steps better integrate MakeMKV into openSUSE and KDE.

OPTIONAL : Create library links to allow other applications to open/read from protected Bluray disks:
Note: MakeMKV version 1.8.5 and higher provides a libmmbd library that also emulates libaacs/libbdplus libraries. Any libbluray-based application, including VLC player, will be able to open protected Bluray discs using the symbolic links to MakeMKV's local libmmbd library.

Code: Select all

sudo ln --symbolic /usr/local/lib64/ /usr/lib64/
sudo ln --symbolic /usr/local/lib64/ /usr/lib64/
sudo ldconfig
OPTIONAL : Create an updated MakeMKV GUI icon:
Note: The MakeMKV installation script now places a compliant GUI menu icon item at: "/usr/share/applications/makemkv.desktop", however, some desktop environments will not scan/update the GUI menus from /usr/local/share/applications/, so this optional step is advised to provide a system-wide GUI icon for MakeMKV:

Code: Select all

sudo vi /usr/local/share/applications/makemkv.desktop
Hit the "Insert" key to put vi into "insert" mode, and paste the following:

Code: Select all

[Desktop Entry]
GenericName=Rip DVD/Blu-Ray to MKV
Comment=Convert encrypted BluRay/DVD media streams to Matroska Video "MKV" file and network streamer
Hit "Esc" to escape out of edit-mode into vi's command-prompt, and then type ":wq!" to write and quit vi.

Ensure the correct file permissions are set with:

Code: Select all

sudo chmod 644 /usr/local/share/applications/makemkv.desktop
Create a symbolic link to /usr/share/applications/:

Code: Select all

sudo ln --symbolic /usr/local/share/applications/makemkv.desktop /usr/share/applications/makemkv.desktop
OPTIONAL : Create a KDE Plasma "Device Action" menu icon/action:
This creates a convenient "Rip Disc to MKV with MakeMKV" menu entry on the device action pop-up menu for DVD/Blurays

Code: Select all

sudo vi /usr/share/solid/actions/makemkv_rip-disc-to-mkv.desktop
Hit the "Insert" key to put vi into "insert" mode, and paste the following:

Code: Select all

[Desktop Action MakeMKVRip]
Name=Rip Disc to MKV with MakeMKV

[Desktop Entry]
X-KDE-Solid-Predicate=[StorageVolume.ignored == false AND OpticalDisc.availableContent & 'VideoDvd|VideoBluRay']
Hit "Esc" to escape out of edit-mode into vi's command-prompt, and type ":wq!" to write and quit vi.

Ensure the correct file permissions are set with:

Code: Select all

sudo chmod 644 /usr/share/solid/actions/makemkv-videodvd-rip-dvd-to-mkv.desktop
Note: The current (thru Sep 2022) beta license code for MakeMKV can be found at:
I have no idea how long software can (or should) be in beta - I bought a license for MakeMKV back in 2010 (after I'd already been using it for a while to archive my aging media library)... MakeMKV truly is a wonderful multi-platform example of well-maintained software - and at very reasonable price!

Good luck !!
Last edited by Wagonfixin on Mon Aug 22, 2022 1:09 am, edited 10 times in total.

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Re: How-2 Install MakeMKV for non-Debian Linux (openSuSE)

#2 Post by skittle » Sat Oct 23, 2010 7:51 pm

Why do you say "non-debian"? The setup is exactly the same for a debian system, and any other distrobution.

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Re: How-2 Install MakeMKV for non-Debian Linux (openSuSE)

#3 Post by Wagonfixin » Tue Oct 26, 2010 4:55 am

Hiya Skittle,

The forum's linux installation instructions currently call for pre-installation configuration of the build environment as:

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sudo apt-get install build-essential libc6-dev libssl-dev libgl1-mesa-dev libqt4-dev
both the "apt-get" tool as well as most of the referenced "required tools and libraries" are of the debian variant... not too useful for us non-debian folks !!

Additionally, if the user uses a desktop (as most of us do), it'd be nice to optionally integrate an application icon/device-action. The license code bit makes life justa a little simpler (doesn't require altering the host timebase).

You are correct in that the make instructions:

Code: Select all

make -f makefile.linux
sudo make -f makefile.linux install
remain the same across the linux distros/flavors.

Do you use linux ?

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Re: How-2 Install MakeMKV for non-Debian Linux (openSuSE)

#4 Post by skittle » Tue Oct 26, 2010 6:11 am

Yes Aptitude is debian, however libqt4-dev is the same whether its on debian/suse/fedora/arch/windows etc... In linux terms its generally assumed that you adapt the the package manager thats in the description.
even the part about the application link is distribution independent. The only thing that is suse is the package manager instructions.

Btw, I run debian squeeze x64 and Arch x86

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Re: How-2 Install MakeMKV for non-Debian Linux (openSuSE)

#5 Post by gece01 » Sun Dec 12, 2010 1:59 pm

Hi Wagonfixin,

Thanks for this how-to. It worked without problem :D


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Re: How-2 Install MakeMKV for non-Debian Linux (openSuSE)

#6 Post by dauhuber » Thu Jan 20, 2011 8:35 pm

your install guide was very helpful for SuSE 11.1. In fact this Debian apt-get stuff can
sometimes confuse Fedora, CentOS and SuSE users.

In addition the name of the required packages often differs slightly from Distro to Distro.

If I would be an admin of this board, I would think that your detailled post deserves a
"sticky" :wink:


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Re: How-2 Install MakeMKV for non-Debian Linux (openSuSE)

#7 Post by crackednoodle » Sat Feb 05, 2011 7:18 pm

I have put together a how to install Makemkv on Fedora 14.

1. Install all the software that is required to build this program.
Become SuperUser

Code: Select all


yum groupinstall "Development Tools"
yum install openssl-devel qt4-devel

2. Dowload the Makemkv programs which comes in 2 parts.

Code: Select all
3. Unpack the downloads.

Code: Select all

tar -zxvf makemkv_v1.6.3_bin.tar.gz
tar -zxvf makemkv_v1.6.3_oss.tar.gz
4. Build the software.

Code: Select all

cd makemkv_v1.6.3_bin
make -f makefile.linux
sudo make -f makefile.linux install
Repeat for the other directory.

Code: Select all

cd makemkv_v1.6.3_oss
make -f makefile.linux
sudo make -f makefile.linux install
5. Start the program by typing:


The whole thing can be found at ... ux-how-to/


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Re: How-2 Install MakeMKV for non-Debian Linux (openSuSE)

#8 Post by dauhuber » Mon Feb 07, 2011 8:29 pm

I had problems to compile MakeMKV 1.6.4 with SuSE 11.1.

Found the solution here ... 820#p10803

Thanks for helping me out :D

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Re: How-2 Install MakeMKV for non-Debian Linux (openSuSE)

#9 Post by dauhuber » Wed Mar 30, 2011 7:25 pm

If you want to compile under openSuSE 11.4.

The package 'moc-qt4' is now just called 'moc'

so change the 4th line of makefile.linux in the directory makemkv_v1.6.5_oss/


MOC=$(strip $(shell which moc-qt4))


MOC=$(strip $(shell which moc))

As an alternative you can do

Code: Select all

cd /usr/bin
sudo ln -s moc moc-qt4
compile and enjoy :D

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Re: How-2 Install MakeMKV for non-Debian Linux (openSuSE)

#10 Post by hursto75 » Fri Apr 22, 2011 11:23 pm

I updated my how to for 1.6.7:

1. Install all the software that is required to build this program.

Become SuperUser


yum update

yum groupinstall "Development Tools"

yum install openssl-devel qt4-devel

2. Dowload the Makemkv programs which comes in 2 parts. ... bin.tar.gz ... oss.tar.gz

3. Unpack the downloads.

tar -zxvf makemkv_v1.6.7_bin.tar.gz

tar -zxvf makemkv_v1.6.7_oss.tar.gz

4. Build the software.

cd makemkv_v1.6.7_bin

make -f makefile.linux

su -c 'make -f makefile.linux install'

Repeat for the other directory.

cd makemkv_v1.6.7_oss

make -f makefile.linux

su -c 'make -f makefile.linux install'

5. Start the program by typing:


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Re: How-2 Install MakeMKV for non-Debian Linux (openSuSE)

#11 Post by doctorwhofan10 » Sun Apr 01, 2012 1:06 pm

Good that you posted the steps. Though, some of those I never had to do aka config files or kde icons.

I got it working on my Mandriva 2011 without a hitch, I just installed whatever they said in the forum for Ubuntu/debian translated in RPM world.

Once done, I just used KDE-Menu-Edit to add an entry.

The application took care of the trial key. Since I have bought this application, once I started it, I had to update/register the key.

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Re: How-2 Install MakeMKV for non-Debian Linux (openSuSE)

#12 Post by Chiasmos » Mon Apr 23, 2012 10:46 am

Although this thread was initially intended openSuSE, but also is about installing on non-Debian Linux, then some may like to know that all is working in PCLinuxOS KDE4. Added the specific dependencies which were all in the Synaptic PCL repository. then did the "make" and "install" from root for quickest and easiest successful installation yet over the times I'd done in earlier versions and also now in Ubuntu 12.04 and a few of its related builds. :)

Thanks again Mike.

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Vesion 1,76

#13 Post by dauhuber » Sun Aug 05, 2012 2:06 pm

If you wanl to install Version 1.7.6 with SuSE 11.4 X86 you must install
the libexpat packages.

Code: Select all

sudo zypper install libexpat-devel libexpat0 libexpat1
to compile this version.

Was not required in the versions before. Guess it's similar in other Distros.


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Re: How-2 Install MakeMKV for non-Debian Linux (openSuSE)

#14 Post by jfha73 » Sun Feb 23, 2014 4:44 pm

Hey guys,

I just installed on my openSUSE 13.1, all you have to do is install ffmpeg using the packman repo ... es#Packman, once that's done, try to re-compile makeMKV.

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Re: How-2 Install MakeMKV for non-Debian Linux (openSuSE)

#15 Post by fitzyj » Sat Aug 02, 2014 6:27 am


I am quite new with openSUSE, but have been using makemkv with Fedora for quite some time.

I am having trouble installing makemkv 1.8.11 from source on openSUSE 13.1 and have the following errors after entering makemkv-oss folder / ./config and having installed the above mentioned dependencies:

checking for ffmpeg... no
configure: error: No package 'libavcodec' found
No package 'libavutil' found.

Obviously I have tried using zypper to install the above, but, I still get the above errors.

Please could someone write a new (for openSUSE) beginning to end installation from source set of instructions please for us openSUSE newbies!

I would be so thankful, as, I am at the mercy of the repos that I can find, which, will only install makemkv 1.8.4

Many thanks everyone.

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