MakeMKV - Mac compatibility

The place to discuss Mac OS X version of MakeMKV
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MakeMKV - Mac compatibility

Post by gd0000 » Sat Sep 21, 2019 12:01 am

Hi, new guy here.

I emailed MakeMKV Support, didn't get a reply, so I've registered and restated my issue here:

I suspect installing the app may be causing conflicts with my iMac.

First, Blurays are ripping fine, and Mac (mis)behavior is not extreme, for now.

2013 iMac, macOS Sierra 10.12.6, loaded.

A few months ago, I downloaded a trial of MakeMKV and ripped a few discs; honestly can't remember if there was any issue then. Just a couple days ago I purchased a subscription key (version 1.14.5), and got the usual Apple warning that I was downloading an unrecognized app, and I clicked "download anyway" which I've done successfully several times before with other apps.

I'm fairly sure it couldn't be anything else, but apparently MakeMKV is causing some basic Mac misbehavior:

* Boots / restarts take noticeably longer (though still well under 30 seconds).

* After Screen Saver engages, when I touch the keyboard to get back on, the log-in appears asking for a password. (When I get back on, everything appears normal, active apps working the entire time.) I tried changing SS settings, but nothing.

These things have never happened before; I’m not an Apple fanatic, but the machine really has been flawless. I can't detect any other misbehavior. Again, everything else seems to work fine, including MakeMKV.

I'm a little concerned that there may be a conflict, however small, at the kernel level – at which point I'm out of my element to track down or fix. And I would like to get back to normal, and not wait for something worse to happen over time for my lack of attention.

I did notice, after the fact, that v.1.14.5 has a very recent date on it (9/5/19); is it possible that it has a bug or two?

Can you recommend a solution to get my desktop back to ‘perfect’?

OR - - -

If there is no such solution, can you point me to instructions to COMPLETELY uninstall MakeMKV? First, so I can do a quick test to confirm my suspicions. And second, if there is no solution, my need for ripping Blu’s is so seldom I wouldn’t mind downloading your app temporarily to rip, then uninstall again.

Any ideas?

Thanks in advance.

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Joined: Sat Jul 04, 2015 10:58 am

Re: MakeMKV - Mac compatibility

Post by philb1701 » Fri Feb 21, 2020 11:49 am

I ran into a similar issue with MakeMKV when running Sierra (10.12), regarding the OS not wanting to properly install the program after downloading it. I just did the Control-Open trick to override it and all was well. Yes, I had to do this every time I installed an updated version of mkv, but it's not that big a deal. One thing to note, that issue finally went away when I upgraded to Mojave (10.14).

Now as to the Screen Saver thing, I would just turn off the screen saver altogether, as well as the require password upon wake up. Those two things might be getting in makeMKV's way. I don't use either, since it just chews up processing power when I'm doing conversions and such. I make sure my computer and drives don't go to sleep, even if the screen goes blank. Check your Energy Saver settings in System Preferences for that.

Finally, if you are going to be using makeMKV a lot for conversions, just belly up to the bar and buy a license. It will still be listed as beta but it won't ask for anything afterwards.

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