Zombieland 2009

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Zombieland 2009

Post by cyberdman »

Did anyone ever figure out how to rip the first Zombieland 2010 Blu-ray? The correct mpls is 00001 as verified with ProcMon, but when scanning the disc MakeMKV throws out that list as equal to 00004 and then makes 00002 the main title which is different. 00004 then is not listed either. While searching the forum I see something about "open DVD manually" but that doesn't work, doesn't work like it used to or I just can't figure it out.

Help!! Thanks.
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Re: Zombieland 2009

Post by cyberdman »

Wow lots of views, but no one has any information or anything to say??

I figured with the new movie out and people ripping that one for their collections that would have made people want to try ripping the original to go with it if they haven't before. I guess I'm out of luck. :roll:
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Re: Zombieland 2009

Post by MartyMcNuts »

cyberdman wrote:
Wed Jan 29, 2020 11:50 pm
Wow lots of views, but no one has any information or anything to say??

I figured with the new movie out and people ripping that one for their collections that would have made people want to try ripping the original to go with it if they haven't before. I guess I'm out of luck. :roll:
I assume you are talking about the blu-ray (not the UHD) since you posted in the "blu-ray" section.

Most of use would have back-up Zombieland about 10 years ago!! Anyway, yes, MakeMKV doesn't show playlist 00001 but it appears that, according to MakeMKV, playlist 00002 is the one you want as it is the only one that shows the correct movie duration. (see image)

Zombieland_open_files.jpg (108.87 KiB) Viewed 9982 times

If that doesn't work for you, the other option is to backup the whole disc to a folder in MakeMKV, then use something else to create your MKV using playlist 00001.
Cheers :D
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Re: Zombieland 2009

Post by cyberdman »

Hey thanks for the reply. Yes I'm just getting around to it since I've just done Double-tap now.

Yeah that is what I'm seeing too, but the ProcMon clearly shows it should by 00001.mpls which gets left out. The length is right, but the number of chapters should be 16, not 23.

We definitely have different settings somewhere though because my 00002.mpls shows the file as Zombieland_t29.mkv. Oh well I guess I'll just rip that and see what happens.
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Re: Zombieland 2009

Post by Grauhaar »

cyberdman wrote:
Sat Feb 01, 2020 2:27 pm
We definitely have different settings somewhere though because my 00002.mpls shows the file as Zombieland_t29.mkv.
The file/title number can be ignored, because it is related to the minimum title length. Any file which is below the length is ignored, so it is not counted for the title count name.
Good Luck :)
Useful MakeMKV links: FAQs - Debug Log - Buy - Expiration of beta key
Two Blu-ray (UHD) Drives LG LG BH16NS55 with Libredrive Firmware 1.04
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Re: Zombieland 2009

Post by MartyMcNuts »

cyberdman wrote:
Sat Feb 01, 2020 2:27 pm
Hey thanks for the reply. Yes I'm just getting around to it since I've just done Double-tap now.

Yeah that is what I'm seeing too, but the ProcMon clearly shows it should by 00001.mpls which gets left out. The length is right, but the number of chapters should be 16, not 23.

We definitely have different settings somewhere though because my 00002.mpls shows the file as Zombieland_t29.mkv. Oh well I guess I'll just rip that and see what happens.
Keep us updated...

Personally, I've never had this issue because I only use MakeMKV for complete folder backups. I then use other software to create my mkv file.
Cheers :D
For UHD enabled drives (AU/NZ/SG + Others) & DIY Single Drive Flasher (WW): https://uhdenableddrives.com
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