Please make a portable version

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Joined: Sun Jan 12, 2020 12:23 pm

Please make a portable version

#1 Post by mkvfanclub » Sun Jan 12, 2020 12:36 pm

So first off, MakeMKV is fabulous. I rip all my DVDs with MakeMKV and then convert them with HandBrake. No problems at all. I have used MakeMKV for years.

As I have a lot of DVDs to rip, I bought 3 DVD drives so that I can rip 3 discs at the same time. It's great that MakeMKV allows for this and lets me open 3 copies of the program at the same time and rip all discs at the same time.

However, it's a bit annoying that MakeMKV preferences (as regards to output folder) are stored centrally in the registry. This is particular problematic because all the DVD output filenames are the same (title_t00.mkv, title_t01.mkv, etc). So every time I launch MakeMKV, I have to choose which drive I want to work with every time, scan the disk and then change the output folder, every time, so that each copy of MakeMKV outputs files to a different folder. And every time I change these settings for one copy of MakeMKV, it changes the settings for the other copies too. Rather frustrating.

It would be great if MakeMKV stored user settings in a config file in the MakeMKV folder. This could be achieved if you were to make a portable version (MakeMKV Portable) which would store everything inside the MakeMKV folder. This would allow me to have 3 copies of the program, each in a unique folder, and configure each one without the settings affecting the other copies of the program.

Alternatively, keep the one version but provide a setting to store all configuration in the local program folder rather than the registry. A good example of this is Notepad++ which has a setting that lets you store all user settings in the program folder rather than AppData. You can enable the setting during program installation which is very neat.

Many thanks for reading.

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Joined: Mon Jan 13, 2020 4:23 am

Re: Please make a portable version

#2 Post by 9Nails » Mon Jan 13, 2020 11:46 pm

That would help me too.

I use a slightly different file naming convention between movies and TV Shows. I also use multiple drives.

The different settings can step on each other between multiple instances of MakeMKV. It would be nice to distinguish them from each other.

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