I love MakeMKV as it is the only way I know to fight DRM and make the use I wish of the products I purchase. BIG THANKS to all involved!
I regularly process many BD but I have a problem now with an Italian release of Home Alone. I understand it is a "classic" BD+ issue of missing SVQ (the message is "BD+ code processed but no FUTs were obtained, errors may follow").
I have a few questions related to the submission of dump files:
- I submitted on 27th Dec the dump file (around 5.5 MB) to the advertised e-mail address. Never got any answer. Is there a way for me to know if it will ever be considered? Or even simply know if it has arrived at destination? Does the recipient ever answer?
- If the answer to the above is "no, it will simply work sometimes in the future", what exactly shall I do to try? I am asking because I read about downloading manually the file dsall.svq and I also read that MakeMKV downloads automatically the latest SVQ, but if I start the program normally, I get "Loaded 10 SVQ file(s)" while if I place dsall.svq in .MakeMKV, I get "Loaded 746 SVQ file(s)", suggesting that perhaps the automatic download does not quite happen. Or nothing will happen before a new release (I am using 1.14.7 which I understand is the latest--downloaded before I sent the dump).
- Also, is there a way to see the current date of dsall.svq? Or the list of the supported discs? The latter seems to be on https://www.makemkv.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=612 but in fact the link does not seem to work (tried with Firefox and Edge).