I use BBEdit on the Mac. Notepad on Windows.
The process I followed was to use MakeMKV to do a backup on my Win 10 box and then copy the backup to my Mac. I use MakeMKV on macOS to create an mkv file. The MakeMKV GUI shows MyProfile as the active profile and the info window confirms it's being used.
Code: Select all
Saving 2 titles into directory /Volumes/Drobo/TiVoShows using profile 'MyProfile' from file '/Users/btanner/Library/MakeMKV/myprofile.mmcp.xml'
I just reran the Mac side of my process and the mkv file is behaving as expected so I must have made a mistake last night. It opens in English and without subtitles except when non-English is being spoken on screen. It has all the subtitle tracks and I can change among them as expected.
So my remaining problem was that I couldn't get personal profiles to work with MakeMKV (WIN10). No choice on the dropdown list and no "using profile xxxx" message displayed. Your question about my text editor got me thinking about previous issues I've had with text editors inserting formatting that screwed up JSON files so I copied the profile file from macOS to my Windows box and it worked perfectly!
I did a quick compare in BBEdit of the two files and they have the same number of characters but BBEdit says the bad one uses "Unicode UTF-8, with BOM" while the good one is "Unicode UTF-8". A little searching of the Internet warned me that the "byte order mark" blows up all kinds of things so my guess is that Notepad adds a BOM if one is not present. People need to make sure they are using a "pure" text editor or the parser in MakeMKV needs to detect if a BOM is present and skip it.
https://stackoverflow.com/questions/222 ... ithout-bom
It's actually better for me to use my WIn10 box (old quad core) to just do the backup/unencrypt and do the rest of the process on macOS (6-core Mac Mini) so that's what I am going to do.
Am I correct in assuming that those profile changes don't have anything to do with the backup process?