Shaking the external drive to bypass read errors

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Shaking the external drive to bypass read errors

Post by GetDunkedOn »

I'm currently in the process of burning my Jojo's Bizarre bluray collection. Just today I opened a sealed copy of set 3 and began ripping. Immediately, I started getting

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Error 'OS error - STATUS_DEVICE_DATA_ERROR' occurred while reading '\Device\CdRom0' at offset '4684314624'
Feeling very disheartened, I began shaking my external drive. To my surprise the error changed to a different offset. So I've been sitting here shaking the drive every time there's an error. The output size has been slowly going up so it doesn't feel completely hopeless. I'm curious if I should continue doing this or give up. I have not explanation for why shaking it works or if it will actually result in me getting my JoJo file.

My garbage external drive: ... UTF8&psc=1

I've attached my log as of the time of posting.
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Re: Shaking the external drive to bypass read errors

Post by Woodstock »

USB-powered drive, failing when it reaches a high speed... Classic "drive spinning too fast for the power available" failure. Drive exceeds power available from the USB port, and resets. Operating system panics.

Two possibilities:

1. Plug it in to a USB3 port that has enough power (not to an un-powered hub). This drive may be "USB2 compatible", but not at full speed.
2. Limit how fast MakeMKV can save the data, by having it write to a USB2 flash drive big enough to hold the BD data, and formatted as either exFAT or NTFS.
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