South Park - German DVD (multiple angles)

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South Park - German DVD (multiple angles)

Post by mgutt »

The german dvd of South Park has multiple angles (in German "Perspektive"). MakeMKV selected angle 1 of each title. Will this result the correct episodes or is it possible that some of them are obfuscated playlists?

For Blu-Rays I usally create backups and compare the segment parts (mpls), but how can I check this for DVDs?

These are the two title informations for episode two:

Angle 1
ID des Quelltitels: 01
Perspektive: 1
Länge: 1:32:48
Anzahl der Kapitel: 4
Size: 6.0 GB
Segmentanzahl: 12
Segmentkarte: 1,2,4-6,7,8,10-12,13,14,16-18,19,20,22-24
Name der Ausgabedatei: title_00.mkv
Angle 2
ID des Quelltitels: 01
Perspektive: 2
Länge: 1:32:48
Anzahl der Kapitel: 4
Size: 6.0 GB
Segmentanzahl: 12
Segmentkarte: 1,3,4-6,7,9,10-12,13,15,16-18,19,21,22-24
Name der Ausgabedatei: title_01.mkv
Title overview:
2019-11-10 22_13_40.jpg
2019-11-10 22_13_40.jpg (24.88 KiB) Viewed 5278 times
Posts: 141
Joined: Sun May 05, 2019 6:38 pm

Re: South Park - German DVD (multiple angles)

Post by mgutt »

Ok, I found the difference by ripping both tracks. At the beginning of each episode is a text shown explaining that all persons are fictional. This text is only in German in Angle 2.

Any solution to find that out before ripping both tracks?
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