Audio stream is distorted due to clipping (Seeed Live DVD)

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Audio stream is distorted due to clipping (Seeed Live DVD)

Post by maeries »

I'm talking about the DVD of this movie: and never had this problem with any other DVD or Bluray.

The problem is that the sound is very distorted, because it seems to be clipping. In the image attached you can see the waveform of the makemkv rip of one track off the DVD. Below it is the waveform from a rip made by another software that sounds right (different track from the same DVD). You can see that the makemkv rip is cut off over a certain loudness while the other rip is not.

Does someone know how to fix that?
Bildschirmfoto vom 2019-07-22 17-46-10.png
Bildschirmfoto vom 2019-07-22 17-46-10.png (135.61 KiB) Viewed 7352 times
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Re: Audio stream is distorted due to clipping (Seeed Live DVD)

Post by Woodstock »

MakeMKV doesn't change the audio, unless you've asked it to convert it to a different codec. Are you using the standard profile (default), or something different when ripping?

Unfortunately, if the source has clipping, the options to fix it are not so great. You can extract the audio track and pad it down in an audio editor (I just use Audacity for this sort of thing), but the original distortions will still be there.

Since DVDs usually use AC3 audio, there is also a dynamic range control "flag" that can cause things to play louder than they're actually recorded. I don't have the details on that, though.
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Re: Audio stream is distorted due to clipping (Seeed Live DVD)

Post by maeries »

Yes, I'm using the default profile.

The source itself is not clipping. Magic DVD ripper does the ripping just fine ans also VLC plays it correctly.
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Re: Audio stream is distorted due to clipping (Seeed Live DVD)

Post by maeries »

Yes, I'm using the default profile.

The source itself does not clip. VLC plays it just fine.

I just noticed that some tracks on the DVD have ac3 audio and some have PCM audio. Could that be the problem?
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