List of Movies submitted?

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List of Movies submitted?

Post by wsmeyer » Thu May 09, 2019 10:04 pm

I had The Lego Movie 2 a couple days ago, it wouldn't decrypt so I just made a backup. I had never sent in a dump log and by the time I realized I couldn't do it from the backup I didn't have the disc anymore.

It's a pretty popular movie though so I'm also certain someone uploaded, but is there a way to check somewhere? Or just have to wait until an update comes out?
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Re: List of Movies submitted?

Post by » Fri May 10, 2019 4:35 am

I was just attempting to save off Lego 2. I aborted the first save since it looked like it was going to the wrong place, the next 2x if aborted due to Posix error - Permission denied.

I then noticed that it had the (r) mark in the title, after I removed that the file has begun to save again (still in process with 2 of 25 GB done.

No certain if that really made the difference, although it is working now.

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