Learning to use MKV had a few problems ( Long Topic)

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Learning to use MKV had a few problems ( Long Topic)

Post by Scorpio »

Right From the Start I am a complete IDIOT :oops: When coming to use this MKV I have been using it a few times now but not sure if I am doing it right. I am coping all my blu rays to my hard drive when the MKV reads the disc at first this is the menu I get ( See Screen shot ) in the past I have told to go for the highist GB with the most chapters is that correct ?. Then once you done that it takes you to the second menu where the Audio is so i tick all the sound options (Second photo ) the ones I can not understand is there are quite a lot Subtitles and forced Subtitles in English and I do not know why there are so many in English and which ones to press and what films I use them for as I do not know how many of my films have them so BIG HELP ON THIS ONE PLEASE on this one. Now on the last two problems I was coping some blu Rays as follows when I got the following message of each of the following films Hummingbird,Mecanic Resurrection,Wild card.(Download failed I tried all of them in the Pc Blu ray and they ran fine but I tried again on Mkv came up with same message again Failed. So I went back to the menu that has all the titles on tried one film the Hummingbird ticked all the boxes I had no failed message so once it had finished I went to my video box and there was the film one was the main feature the other where extras i deleted them and still had the main feature done the same to the other films in the list no problem.But now come to the last one Iron Man that also failed so I tried the same trick again ticking all the boxes again failed so i went to my video boxit had 12 boxes but not one of the film so I put it in my drive I got a menu up it played but would not copy so I am a loss what to do??? it did have in the title Iron Man Disc 1 I would have tried Disc 2 but do not have it I say this I do not want menus on my films just go straight into the film which Make MKV does well just these few hicups :) one other question I would to ask once I have download the film I get this "A;/Video/Preitor Fi does not exist do you want to create it" which of course I do the downside to all this is it goes to my video Folder then I have to copy it from there to my Movie folder which takes some time is there a way I can copy it straight to my move folder saving me time copying it across from the video folder I did try changing this but all I got was a extra move folder that was empty Sorry for the long thread Screen shots coming up
This shows once I ticked the boxes  and worked
This shows once I ticked the boxes and worked
Untitled.png 4.png (84.47 KiB) Viewed 8285 times
This one shows humming bird failed
This one shows humming bird failed
Untitled.png 3.png (165 KiB) Viewed 8285 times
This is the Br tile of Iron  manwhere I ticked all the boxes but no film just this
This is the Br tile of Iron manwhere I ticked all the boxes but no film just this
Picture 3.png (263.45 KiB) Viewed 8285 times
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Joined: Fri Apr 12, 2019 9:54 am

Re: Learning to use MKV had a few problems ( Long Topic)

Post by Scorpio »

It would not let me load the last picture what do i untick in this subtitle thing and anything else should I not tick
MKV 2.png
MKV 2.png (124.06 KiB) Viewed 8228 times
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Joined: Fri Apr 12, 2019 9:54 am

Re: Learning to use MKV had a few problems ( Long Topic)

Post by Scorpio »

It would not let me load the last picture what do i untick in this subtitle thing and anything else should I not tick
Posts: 7
Joined: Fri Apr 12, 2019 9:54 am

Re: Learning to use MKV had a few problems ( Long Topic)

Post by Scorpio »

Here is the last picture What should i not tick
MKV 2.png
MKV 2.png (124.06 KiB) Viewed 8243 times
Posts: 7
Joined: Fri Apr 12, 2019 9:54 am

Re: Learning to use MKV had a few problems ( Long Topic)

Post by Scorpio »

Here you go what do I delete
Untitled.png 3.png
Untitled.png 3.png (165 KiB) Viewed 8243 times
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