Right drive&SVC "no disc inserted" ERROR

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Right drive&SVC "no disc inserted" ERROR

Post by bitbob »

Hello: I got the LG WH16NS40 with SVC-NS50 and firmware 103 and all I get with UHD discs is "No Disc Inserted" in MakeMKV. It signals that the disc is loading and then changes to NO disc. So I am stuck any ideas. The player and MakeMKV work fine with normal bluerays. However It does say with the normal blueray loading that "LibreDrive firmware support is not yet available for this drive (id=76CF63BADB03)". So is it possible that the newest Firmware "103" that came on this drive produced in August 2018 is no longer supporting LibreDrive? It states that it is using direct disc access mode on the regular blueray. I am using MakeMKV ver. 1.14.3 (x64-release). Any help appreciated. Bitbob
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Re: Right drive&SVC "no disc inserted" ERROR

Post by d00zah »

bitbob wrote:
Wed Mar 13, 2019 11:31 pm
Hello: I got the LG WH16NS40 with SVC-NS50 and firmware 103 and all I get with UHD discs is "No Disc Inserted" in MakeMKV. It signals that the disc is loading and then changes to NO disc. So I am stuck any ideas. The player and MakeMKV work fine with normal bluerays. However It does say with the normal blueray loading that "LibreDrive firmware support is not yet available for this drive (id=76CF63BADB03)". So is it possible that the newest Firmware "103" that came on this drive produced in August 2018 is no longer supporting LibreDrive? It states that it is using direct disc access mode on the regular blueray. I am using MakeMKV ver. 1.14.3 (x64-release). Any help appreciated. Bitbob
You need to downgrade the FW version to v1.02.

https://makemkv.com/forum/viewtopic.php ... 933#p70766
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