Using LibreDrive in another software

Discussion of LibreDrive mode, compatible drives and firmwares
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Using LibreDrive in another software

Post by claunia »


I've just read about this LibreDrive and it seems quite interesting.

I have created a tool designed to the archival and management of old computer, and videogame console, software.
You can see it in

Some of the features my tool needs to be able to use, as requested per some preservation groups (like Redump and VGPC), are the following:
1.- Unscrambled read of CDs, needed mostly to bypass error corrections and detect write offset. Currently supported only by a Plextor vendor command.
2.- Unscrambled read of DVDs, needed mostly to preserve GameCube and Wii discs. Currently supported only by using a firmware trick in LG -ROM drives.
3.- Reading of Xbox discs. The exact physical nature of these discs is not completely known, but they can be dumped using an Xbox 360 drive with hacked firmware or a very specific TSST -ROM drive model with hacked firmware.
4.- PlayStation 3 and 4 discs. For some reason some drives read them correctly, others do not recognize them as a disc at all.
5.- Xbox One discs. For some reason a specific Pioneer model reads them correctly, while others do not recognize them at all.
6.- Dreamcast discs. As they contain two TOCs, a trap disc is needed with a fake TOC, and even them some drive firmwares lose focus, or crash on sectors bigger than 99 minutes.

From what I read you say your LibreDrive firmware patch makes the drive become more like a floppy, accepting only commands for positioning the laser and spitting whatever data it is reading.

This means that, even if not currently supporting those case scenarios, it can be adapted.

So to summarize it in two questions:
1.- Do you provide an OSI compliant source code of what makes the drive become Libre?
2.- If not, could you provide me a way to make the drive become Libre, and help me support those six case scenarios?

Natalia Portillo
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