Minimum Title Length

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Minimum Title Length

Post by nightwatch »

Hey guys.

Quick question.

As far as I can tell, "Minimum Title Length" only comes into play when creating .mkv files.

Is there a similar setting that will set a minimum title length for "full" disc backup of UHD discs?

So when you play the output folder you don't have to go through those nonsense warning screen, etc. before getting to the movie.
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Re: Minimum Title Length

Post by Woodstock »

No, because it wouldn't be a "full backup" then.

They reason for the "full backup" is that BD-aware programs can leverage features that don't fit so nicely into an MKV file, such as "picture in picture" and "interactive branching". There are even games on some disks, designed to be played with a common remote. And, of course, "seamless branching" of the main feature can incorporate transport stream files that are quite short.
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Re: Minimum Title Length

Post by nightwatch »

That's what I thought.

True it wouldn't be a full backup in the strict sense of the word, but still a backup of the full disc -- minus short titles, like one minute in length or less, for instance.

Who needs to look at an FBI warning for 30 seconds before viewing a movie?

Or stare at a studio logo or Dolby Atmos splash for what seems like eternity?

I'm sorry that the Minimum Title Length setting does not carry over to backups as well.

But life goes on. (lol)

I didn't know the reason for the full backup option, but it works for me because I don't really use .mkv's much.

My preference is the full disc experience. When I play the backup UHD folder it's like putting the disc in my computer, and that's my goal.

Thanks Woodstock for your response.
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Re: Minimum Title Length

Post by Woodstock »

Ah, yes - the wondrous "don't be a pirate" experience! And the newer "This disc is not intended to be played in your region" warnings.

Unfortunately, removing those files would screw up the menu programs, too.

I got pragmatic early - the extras? Watch them once (maybe), delete them for space. I can't really say I've ever bought a movie based on the extras included on the disk. And things like 3D and 4K UHD are of little interest, because they do not improve a story, just distract you from noticing how bad the movie is. :)

But that is me. Other people are other people, and their choices are their choices.
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Re: Minimum Title Length

Post by nightwatch »

Woodstock, you mention that removing those short titles will mess with the menu program.

But there are other ripping tools that do it and menu and navigation remain intact and unaffected.

So why don't I just use those tools you ask? They don't handle UHD as makeMKV does.

But it can be done. If makeMKV could do it also it would make those UHD backup folders absolute perfection.

I understand your thoughts on extras, etc. I may even agree with you on average and less than average movies.

But for movies I really like, and those are the ones I'm more inclined to backup, I want to feel I'm immersed in their "universe" when I play the disc (backup).

I enjoy having a Menu play scenes from the movie and it's theme song while I decide whether to re-watch the film or explore the extras.

I like perusing through all the extra material, sometimes more than once. Never get enough of hearing how Hitch terrorized Tippi Hendren by actually throwing birds at her for days on end.

For those treasured movies that I care to backup, having a full disc backup as opposed to an .mkv of the main movie is the difference between being fully immersed in that movie's world and "watching a flick".

Just my thoughts.
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Re: Minimum Title Length

Post by nightwatch »

"...And things like 3D and 4K UHD are of little interest, because they do not improve a story, just distract you from noticing how bad the movie is. :)"


Woodstock, I somehow missed that earlier.

How very true for so many movies here lately!

There are some recent good ones, but they are few and very far between.
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Re: Minimum Title Length

Post by nightwatch »


I was wondering.

Any chance that MakeMKV will offer iso output for full disc backup in addition to folder.

I know the folder can be converted to iso but I backup a lot of UHDs so was looking for a one-step process that would create an iso?
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Re: Minimum Title Length

Post by Woodstock »

The program's author would have to answer this question, but I'd predict the answer is "no".

Why? A tool that generates a ready-to-burn copy of a disk is very hard to distinguish from a "piracy tool", legally.
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Re: Minimum Title Length

Post by nightwatch »

The why goes back to what I was originally asking about. If MakeMKV can't enforce minimum title length for backups, then if it could produce isos, there are other tools that can do that dynamically while the iso is playing.

I'm not sure why an iso would be categorized as any more ready-to-burn than a folder is. Either one can be copied to a disc in one simple step if that was someone's intention.

It's not mine though.

I just want an easy way to remove those short "junk" titles from MakeMKV UHD backups is all.

I can understand it's the author's call. Is there a certain area to leave product suggestions?
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Re: Minimum Title Length

Post by Woodstock »

You cannot simply take the file structure created by MakeMKV when it does a backup and write it to a blank BD, and have it work in a standard BD player. You still need to use BD authoring software to build the "behind the scenes" stuff that BD (hardware) players expect to find.

However, BD-aware software CAN play the file structure; they see what the hardware side presents, after the data is decrypted.
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Re: Minimum Title Length

Post by nightwatch »

It's a one-step process in ImgBurn. Option "Write files/folders to disc".

For the iso, Option "Write image to disc".

I'm just pointing out that one is no more difficult than the other.

And yes, each produces a valid disc, provided the folders or isos are already decrypted.
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Re: Minimum Title Length

Post by nightwatch »

So to wrap this thread:

In the absence of any additional information, seems the conclusion is that Minimum Title Length for backup folders is not in the foreseeable future for MakeMKV.

And the alternative, a backup iso option, is also not going to happen.

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