No reply from Support

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No reply from Support

Post by Kettykrueger » Sun Dec 16, 2018 3:10 pm

Hi all

I’ve been having long stand issues with rips.

I contacted the support email last month, and despite some correspondence, I haven’t heard back for over a month now. I’ve sent polite reminder emails but not heard back.

Does anyone know of any problems on their side?


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Re: No reply from Support

Post by Woodstock » Sun Dec 16, 2018 3:24 pm

It is not unheard of for Mike to "go silent" after he's got the information he needs to fix an issue. I've had a couple of issues where the communications stopped, then the next version fixed the problem.

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Re: No reply from Support

Post by Kettykrueger » Sun Dec 16, 2018 4:03 pm

Cheers Woodstock. I’ll keep an eye for bug fixes in future versions!

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Re: No reply from Support

Post by Grauhaar » Sun Dec 16, 2018 4:30 pm

I think your questions are related to this thread

Because noone else has this kind of trouble, I think there is no bug in MakeMKV. I've ripped a lot of DVDs and Blu-rays (>3000) and never get this kind of strange effects. My opinion is, there is something with your Soft- or Hardware which causes this problems. Looks like that something destroyes the stream read or written from/to the file. This can be a Hardware bug, an Storage Overlay, Driver trouble, Anti Virus, Network, or or or.... Have you ever ripped a DVD or Blu-ray with an other PC and checked the created file on the other and your PC? Or have you ever played your files on an other PC?
Good Luck :)
Useful MakeMKV links: FAQs - Debug Log - Buy - Expiration of beta key
Two Blu-ray (UHD) Drives LG LG BH16NS55 with Libredrive Firmware 1.04

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Re: No reply from Support

Post by Kettykrueger » Mon Dec 17, 2018 10:59 am

Grauhaar wrote:
Sun Dec 16, 2018 4:30 pm
I think your questions are related to this thread

Because noone else has this kind of trouble, I think there is no bug in MakeMKV. I've ripped a lot of DVDs and Blu-rays (>3000) and never get this kind of strange effects. My opinion is, there is something with your Soft- or Hardware which causes this problems. Looks like that something destroyes the stream read or written from/to the file. This can be a Hardware bug, an Storage Overlay, Driver trouble, Anti Virus, Network, or or or.... Have you ever ripped a DVD or Blu-ray with an other PC and checked the created file on the other and your PC? Or have you ever played your files on an other PC?
Hi there

Thanks for taking the time to look up my previous posts.

I’ve had extensive conversations with Woodstock about the issue and determined that it was unlikely to be hardware. Although, I did suspect my external Bly ray drive.

I think that although it might not be caused by MakeMKV, it should not be completing without error. As far as it’s concerned, there is no problem.

That’s been the biggest problem with this, I have to watch the entire movie to determine if the rip is successful or not, which is huge drain!

In answer to your questions, I haven’t tried ripping on another machine as I don’t have one. I did consider running MakeMKV in Corssover with the PC version.

I have tried playing the files on a few devices, iPhones, Mac with various software and the problem exists on all.

I checked the MakeMKV log and couldn’t see any recent fixes relating to this problem.

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Re: No reply from Support

Post by Grauhaar » Tue Dec 18, 2018 7:57 am

If you use the created file on different players (iPhones, Mac with various software and the problem exists on all) it looks like that the created file is already corrupt. I don't think that the drive is the problem, because MakeMKV does a Hash check (Mike confirmed it). And this works, in case of read errors you get Hash errors. You can f.e. go to a friend to backup the disc in an complete different environment (other Hard- and Software) and test the created file. Problem determination (I have done this for many years on large computer systems) must be done step by step to find the cause which results in the problem. This can be done on different ways, but the process is always the same, eleminate anything which is not needed, keep the process as simply as possible. If the problem is gone, add/change hardware/tools or whatever to find out what causes the problem. I know, it's hard work, but this is the only way to solve it.

Anyway, basic rule it fix a problem: It must be reproducable under controlled conditions by the developer. Otherwise the developer has no chance to fix it.
Good Luck :)
Useful MakeMKV links: FAQs - Debug Log - Buy - Expiration of beta key
Two Blu-ray (UHD) Drives LG LG BH16NS55 with Libredrive Firmware 1.04

Posts: 38
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Re: No reply from Support

Post by Kettykrueger » Tue Dec 18, 2018 8:24 am

Grauhaar wrote:
Tue Dec 18, 2018 7:57 am
If you use the created file on different players (iPhones, Mac with various software and the problem exists on all) it looks like that the created file is already corrupt. I don't think that the drive is the problem, because MakeMKV does a Hash check (Mike confirmed it). And this works, in case of read errors you get Hash errors. You can f.e. go to a friend to backup the disc in an complete different environment (other Hard- and Software) and test the created file. Problem determination (I have done this for many years on large computer systems) must be done step by step to find the cause which results in the problem. This can be done on different ways, but the process is always the same, eleminate anything which is not needed, keep the process as simply as possible. If the problem is gone, add/change hardware/tools or whatever to find out what causes the problem. I know, it's hard work, but this is the only way to solve it.

Anyway, basic rule it fix a problem: It must be reproducable under controlled conditions by the developer. Otherwise the developer has no chance to fix it.
Hey, thanks for the comprehensive reply.

The funny thing is, I haven’t changed anything. I ripped all my discs perfectly last year but I stupidly converted them all to mp4, had issues with those files so had to re-rip again. And it’s only on the second time that I’m having problems.

So if the drive is not the problem, it has to be the iMac or the hard disc. My set up is pretty simple to begin with.

iMac, several external HDDs that I rip to and an external Bly ray drive. As I said, nothing had changed with the hardware.

I could try ripping to an internal drive, that elimate one possible cause, in lieu of trying a new system.

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