Improper mpls read/bug?

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Improper mpls read/bug?

Post by Lanthade »

I've got a disc (The Incredible Hulk 2008) which is experiencing a mpls read error/bug. It's the first playlist and it should contain segments 153-175. Reading the disc produces:

Code: Select all

MakeMKV v1.14.2 darwin(x64-release) started
Optical drive "DVD+R-DL HL-DT-ST DVDRW GX30N RP09d" opened in OS access mode.
Optical drive "BD-ROM ASUS SBC-06D2X-U D201d" opened in OS access mode.
Using direct disc access mode
Downloading latest SDF to /Users/erik/Library/MakeMKV ...
Loaded content hash table, will verify integrity of M2TS files.
File 00154.mpls was added as title #0
File 00154.mpls(2) was added as title #1
File 00158.mpls was added as title #2
File 00168.mpls was added as title #3
You can see where 00154 is divided into two titles. Title one contains 153-154 and title two contains 156-175. I can rip them both and 155 separately but merging them back together with mkvtoolnix screws up chapter markers. I've taken a look at 00154.mpls (I'll attach it) and it looks like it's got all the segments in it. I'm just looking at it with a hex editor, I'm not very sharp on how mpls files are built etc. It does list 00153.m2ts through 00175.m2ts in 00154.mpls.

Anyways, I'd like to get this playlist properly read so I can rip it as one file and not have to deal with further sillyness. Any advice etc would be awesome. It would be pretty sweet if I could just tell MakeMKV to do it but I can't seem to find a way to give it a custom segment list to work off of.

Also, the board wouldn't let me attach 00154.mpls directly. I had to add .txt to the end of it. If you download it and remove the .txt extension it'll hopefully be just like I pulled it off of the disc.

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