Feature suggestions

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Feature suggestions

Post by danielrg »

I'm using the latest version right now. I've ripped some BDs, some PAL DVDs, and some NTSC DVDs. So far the rip has always worked.

I'm going to buy MakeMKV once it's out of beta, if it stays so capable. The thing about it that amazes me... it just works. On everything I've tried so far.

There was one case where it missed a number of special feature titles... The DVD of "Kiki's Delivery Service". I could send the log for ripping that one if desired.

Some polish could be added to the UI, outside all the complex code that actually rips the discs, I thought I'd share my thoughts:

- Ability to unselect all/select all when selecting streams to rip, or select streams of certain types
- Setup a profile with preferred language or other settings to tell MakeMKV which to select by default
- Ability to give the program a name to prefix the title with. I always have to go in and rename the "titleNN.mkv" file to something else before I start the next disc. It would be nice to be able to give it some prefix to use.
- Ability to have the filename prefix be the disc name. Sometimes it sees a disc name or something, but still uses the "titleNN.mkv" naming.
- There are other ideas for streamlining the naming to make the process even faster of ripping a set of discs, like using certain "features" in the name that help with cataloging, like '.DVDRip' or '.h265', etc. I couldn't think of all the ideas, but I know that some video tools use a standard name set

Overall, excellent program! Keep it up.
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Re: Feature suggestions

Post by Woodstock »

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Re: Feature suggestions

Post by Chetwood »

Unselect all/select is done with a right-click IIRC.
MultiMakeMKV: MakeMKV batch processing (Win)
MultiShrink: DVD Shrink batch processing
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Re: Feature suggestions

Post by d00zah »

Automatic track selection can be refined by:

- Enabling 'Expert' mode under Preferences > General & restarting MakeMKV.

- Pasting '-sel:all,+sel:audio&(favlang),-sel:mvcvideo,+sel:subtitle&(favlang),=100:all,-10:favlang' (w/out '') into the 'Default selection rule' field & restarting MakeMKV.

Rule can be adjusted using these parameters: Changing default track selection
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Joined: Sun Oct 21, 2018 3:52 am

Re: Feature suggestions

Post by danielrg »

Thanks for all the great tips.

I probably should have asked how to do things before suggesting them as features...

Making some of the usability features more obvious/accessible could help casual users like me I guess. Either way, great to know some of these features are already supported.

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