Concatination of multiple angles

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Concatination of multiple angles

Post by darx1 » Sun Sep 09, 2018 11:43 am

Hi All,

Could you please help on my syntax.

I have extracted the angles from the media I'm trying to create a single MKV for.
The individual MKV/MPG streams work fine. But how so I put this together.
The start does not have multi angle. Then there are 2 sections in the middle that do have multi angle.

There is a paired audio stream across the whole series.

a - 1 video stream
b - 5 video streams
c - 1 video stream
d - 5 video streams
e - 1 video stream

mkvmerge -o d1t1q.mkv d1t1A.mpg +d1t1B.mkv +d1t1C.mpg +d1t1D.mkv +d1t1E.mpg
mkvmerge v19.0.0 ('Brave Captain') 64-bit
'd1t1A.mpg': Using the demultiplexer for the format 'MPEG program stream'.
'd1t1B.mkv': Using the demultiplexer for the format 'Matroska'.
'd1t1C.mpg': Using the demultiplexer for the format 'MPEG program stream'.
'd1t1D.mkv': Using the demultiplexer for the format 'Matroska'.
'd1t1E.mpg': Using the demultiplexer for the format 'MPEG program stream'.
'd1t1A.mpg' track 0: Using the output module for the format 'MPEG-1/2'.
'd1t1A.mpg' track 1: Using the output module for the format 'AC-3'.
'd1t1A.mpg' track 2: Using the output module for the format 'AC-3'.
'd1t1B.mkv' track 0: Using the output module for the format 'MPEG-1/2'.
'd1t1B.mkv' track 1: Using the output module for the format 'MPEG-1/2'.
'd1t1B.mkv' track 2: Using the output module for the format 'MPEG-1/2'.
'd1t1B.mkv' track 3: Using the output module for the format 'MPEG-1/2'.
'd1t1B.mkv' track 4: Using the output module for the format 'MPEG-1/2'.
'd1t1B.mkv' track 5: Using the output module for the format 'AC-3'.
'd1t1B.mkv' track 6: Using the output module for the format 'AC-3'.
'd1t1C.mpg' track 0: Using the output module for the format 'MPEG-1/2'.
'd1t1C.mpg' track 1: Using the output module for the format 'AC-3'.
'd1t1C.mpg' track 2: Using the output module for the format 'AC-3'.
'd1t1D.mkv' track 0: Using the output module for the format 'MPEG-1/2'.
'd1t1D.mkv' track 1: Using the output module for the format 'MPEG-1/2'.
'd1t1D.mkv' track 2: Using the output module for the format 'MPEG-1/2'.
'd1t1D.mkv' track 3: Using the output module for the format 'MPEG-1/2'.
'd1t1D.mkv' track 4: Using the output module for the format 'MPEG-1/2'.
'd1t1D.mkv' track 5: Using the output module for the format 'AC-3'.
'd1t1D.mkv' track 6: Using the output module for the format 'AC-3'.
'd1t1E.mpg' track 0: Using the output module for the format 'MPEG-1/2'.
'd1t1E.mpg' track 1: Using the output module for the format 'AC-3'.
'd1t1E.mpg' track 2: Using the output module for the format 'AC-3'.

With the error being:

Error: The file no. 0 ('d1t1A.mpg') does not contain a track with the ID 3, or that track is not to be copied. Therefore no track can be appended to it.

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Re: Concatination of multiple angles

Post by Grauhaar » Sun Sep 09, 2018 2:23 pm

What do you mean with "multi angel" video streams? More than one video stream in one mkv? Maybe this is possible (never tested), but makes this sense? I think no. Next problem is to have a playing software with can switch between video streams. Multiple Audio and Subtitle streams are no problem for switching because this is normal.
Anyway, makemerge can only assemble identical streams together. All of the input files and streams (Video, Audio and Subtitle) must have the same settings and it must have the same stream counts, , codecs, resolution and so on. The MKV container have only one header section and each stream can only described once. So adding AC-3 and MPEG to one big audio audio stream can never work. I think you see currently only the first major error for checking the track IDs. The next errors comes up later if the number of ID matches.
Good Luck :)
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Re: Concatination of multiple angles

Post by darx1 » Sun Sep 09, 2018 11:03 pm

Hi Grauhaar,

There is mention in a number of places that the MKV container allows for alternative endings - using branching ....

Kodi plays multiple Angles (video streams.)

The example I'm working with is: - The chapters in the original DVD that have multi angle are 4,12,13

MPlayer 1.3.0 (Debian), built with gcc-7 (C) 2000-2016 MPlayer Team
Playing dvd://1.

So I have grabbed all the streams independently - now a matter of reassembling them.

mplayer -identify dvd://1 -nocache -dvd-device "$dvd1" -chapter 1-3 -dumpstream -dumpfile ${x}/d1t1A.mpg
mplayer -identify dvd://1 -nocache -dvd-device "$dvd1" -chapter 5-11 -dumpstream -dumpfile ${x}/d1t1C.mpg
mplayer -identify dvd://1 -nocache -dvd-device "$dvd1" -chapter 14-15 -dumpstream -dumpfile ${x}/d1t1E.mpg

#multichaps are 4,12,13

mplayer -identify dvd://1 -nocache -dvd-device "$dvd1" -dumpstream -chapter 4-4 -dvdangle 1 -dumpfile ${x}/d1t1b1.mpg
mplayer -identify dvd://1 -nocache -dvd-device "$dvd1" -dumpstream -chapter 4-4 -dvdangle 2 -dumpfile ${x}/d1t1b2.mpg
mplayer -identify dvd://1 -nocache -dvd-device "$dvd1" -dumpstream -chapter 4-4 -dvdangle 3 -dumpfile ${x}/d1t1b3.mpg
mplayer -identify dvd://1 -nocache -dvd-device "$dvd1" -dumpstream -chapter 4-4 -dvdangle 4 -dumpfile ${x}/d1t1b4.mpg
mplayer -identify dvd://1 -nocache -dvd-device "$dvd1" -dumpstream -chapter 4-4 -dvdangle 5 -dumpfile ${x}/d1t1b5.mpg

mplayer -identify dvd://1 -nocache -dvd-device "$dvd1" -dumpstream -chapter 12-13 -dvdangle 1 -dumpfile ${x}/d1t1d1.mpg
mplayer -identify dvd://1 -nocache -dvd-device "$dvd1" -dumpstream -chapter 12-13 -dvdangle 2 -dumpfile ${x}/d1t1d2.mpg
mplayer -identify dvd://1 -nocache -dvd-device "$dvd1" -dumpstream -chapter 12-13 -dvdangle 3 -dumpfile ${x}/d1t1d3.mpg
mplayer -identify dvd://1 -nocache -dvd-device "$dvd1" -dumpstream -chapter 12-13 -dvdangle 4 -dumpfile ${x}/d1t1d4.mpg
mplayer -identify dvd://1 -nocache -dvd-device "$dvd1" -dumpstream -chapter 12-13 -dvdangle 5 -dumpfile ${x}/d1t1d5.mpg

Here were the 2 references that sent me looking:


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Joined: Thu Sep 15, 2016 3:46 pm

Re: Concatination of multiple angles

Post by Grauhaar » Mon Sep 10, 2018 6:58 am

Yes, but it is not allowed to append different streams "layouts" due to mkv restrictions.

Never used multi angel (called Seamless Branching) with mkv. It's nice that you have a player for this, but I'm sure that not many Soft- and Hardware players support this feature.
Good Luck :)
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Two Blu-ray (UHD) Drives LG LG BH16NS55 with Libredrive Firmware 1.04

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