MakeMKV Update INFO
MakeMKV now supports pioneer drives for ripping UHD discs
MakeMKV Discount INFO
The makemkv Discount code is only for current and past drive/flasher customers and you must use both the link i provide and the code not 1 or the other.
if you want one and bought previously email me with the email you bought the drive or flasher from me on.
the code is sent out with the tracking information.
About the Drives I sell
All Drives I sell are new only opened Flashed to make it works with UHD discs, tested and repackaged with all original packing material all original accessory's are included if you buy an upgrade cable or not.
All drives I sell work with UHD discs and are LibreDrive enabled even if the model listed does not normally as i convert them to a UHD model with firmware.
All drives I sell work with Anything that can Run MakeMKV on any OS Windows Mac Linux.
you don't need my UHD Drives or anyone else's for regular Blu-Ray or DVD these are only Needed for UHD discs but they work with standard Blu-Ray and DVD too.
There is no Need for SGX or an Intel with these drives the firmware and MakeMKV get around those requirements.
I recommend Pioneer drives over LG or Asus
Pioneer Drives are more reliable, get less read errors and are much quieter.
LG drives are Faster.
Pre Flashed Pioneer BDR-212 SATA 5.25 SATA with BDR-212UBK Firmware $207.74 flashed tested and shipped Works with MakeMKV for UHD.
Pre Flashed Pioneer BDR-213/2213 SATA 5.25 SATA with BDR-S13UBK Firmware $223.28 flashed tested and shipped Works with MakeMKV for UHD.
Pre Flashed Pioneer BDR-S13UBK SATA 5.25 SATA $285.45 flashed tested and shipped Works with MakeMKV for UHD.
Pre Flashed Pioneer BDR-S13U-X SATA 5.25 SATA $409.79 flashed tested and shipped Works with MakeMKV for UHD.
Pre Flashed Pioneer BDR-X13U-S 5.25 USB $347.62 flashed tested and shipped Works with MakeMKV for UHD.
Pre Flashed Pioneer BDR-X13U-X 5.25 USB with BDR-X13U-S Firmware $503.05 flashed tested and shipped Works with MakeMKV for UHD.
USB cases/adapters for Pioneer 5.25 Sata drives. you buy these on your own as i recommend direct sata when possible only get these if you need the drive to be USB
I do not and will not sell desktop LG or ASUS drives 25% of them like the Asus BW-16D1HT or LG WH16NS60 are defective and will get read errors on UHD discs
Remote Flashing Service
$25 per drive
Stock Levels

Pioneer BDR-212 SATA 5.25 SATA 20+ In stock $207.74

Pioneer BDR-213/2213 SATA 5.25 SATA 0 not available no restock ETA $223.28

Pioneer BDR-S13UBK 5.25 SATA 0 not available no restock ETA $285.45

Pioneer BDR-S13U-X 5.25 SATA 0 not available no restock ETA $409.79

Pioneer BDR-X13U-S 5.25 USB 0 not available no restock ETA $347.62

Pioneer BDR-X13U-X 5.25 USB 0 not available do not order $503.05
Email me at to Order or details and questions
Remote Flashing/automated flashing
Confused about flashing your drive have the person who made the howto videos on it do it for you!
For remote flashing you will need a computer running Windows NOT A VM of WINDOWS and to send me your makemkv drive info section with drive letter and i will make an automated flasher just for you having your drive flashed in just a few clicks.
The Pioneer flasher cant downgrade drives only crossflash if it is build/has fw before 12/22
ex XS07S > XS07UHD
I ship to the USA only
Shipping is included in the price.
standard shipping is 2-3 day priority mail
payment options listed below,
PayPal only for drive orders
zelle or paypal for remote flash
I will help you setup the Drive and do things related to the drive.
Important information to know
1. All Drives i sell are flashed to Read Rip and unofficially play UHD discs even if they are a non UHD model they have been flashed to a UHD model.
2. In MakeMKV 1.12.3+ keys are automatically downloaded
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4. Drives will not auto update Firmware it requires you to download or install the updater

These drives retain their full warranty with pioneer as its just stock old firmware
if pioneer sends you a drive with new fw don't worry we can just trade it out or reflash it for one of mine for free just pay shipping.
as of 1/5/25 any drives purchased after this date that use a vantec case or adapter have no warranty with me please use the OWC instead yes the drive sticks out a bit but not a big deal.