Why People Complain About Registration Key Not Working

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Re: Why People Complain About Registration Key Not Working

Post by phixx »

d00zah wrote:Can we agree that 'a number of individuals', every ~2 months, seem to express some amount of frustration about the inconvenience of not having access to a tool they use for free, for a few days?
I totally agree. But, as timeshifter already stated, this situation is created intentionally. The "it's free" statement clearly is used to attract users, and the key frustration is created to move them to register. As long as this situation sustains, you will have these posts.

Maybe there should be just a sticky post explaining this situation from the (totally understandable) view of the author, with an FAQ.
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Re: Why People Complain About Registration Key Not Working

Post by d00zah »

phixx wrote:
d00zah wrote:Can we agree that 'a number of individuals', every ~2 months, seem to express some amount of frustration about the inconvenience of not having access to a tool they use for free, for a few days?
I totally agree. But, as timeshifter already stated, this situation is created intentionally. The "it's free" statement clearly is used to attract users, and the key frustration is created to move them to register. As long as this situation sustains, you will have these posts.

Maybe there should be just a sticky post explaining this situation from the (totally understandable) view of the author, with an FAQ.
'this situation is created intentionally' may be a reasonable speculation, but it's still speculation.... even if it might be free advertising. I view it as a ready supply of free beta testers... quid pro quo (...Clarice ;^).

As for the sticky proposal, I'm gonna go out on a limb here & suggest that anyone not prone to searching a forum for info prior to posting, is unlikely to read a sticky... IMO. I can point to any number of fora, on a daily basis, to support this contention.

Look, I'm not trying to crap in anyone's Cheerios here, but there are multiple ways of looking at it. Many posters using MakeMKV (for free) seem to demand to be spoon fed info that is easily found by anyone willing to search, as if they've "paid my money & deserve some support". I like to help people, but have existed in the 'RTFM' world for decades... it's how I live (& learn). Even among engineers, a small amount of self-help is expected (& appreciated).

That's it. I've said my piece. Even the perspectives I can't understand are enlightening to read. Back to lurking & helping any I'm able to.
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Re: Why People Complain About Registration Key Not Working

Post by spl147 »

phixx wrote:
spl147 wrote:the people whining about the keys and the tool being to expensive are the people renting discs to rip or downloading!
I don't like your style of making accusations about people you dont really know, you should really reconsider your attitude.
yea, usually the offended people are the ones that are doing what is stated!

because the people backing up their own discs would not care!
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Re: Why People Complain About Registration Key Not Working

Post by rivey »

d00zah wrote:
phixx wrote:
spl147 wrote:the people whining about the keys and the tool being to expensive are the people renting discs to rip or downloading!
I don't like your style of making accusations about people you dont really know, you should really reconsider your attitude.
While they may have better served the discussion by prefacing the statement with 'Some of...', it's probably not a stretch & may strike a nerve with some.

I don't entirely agree with your rationale, but you are entitled to it & the forum is open to voice it.

Can we agree that 'a number of individuals', every ~2 months, seem to express some amount of frustration about the inconvenience of not having access to a tool they use for free, for a few days?

Or that they feel blind-sided by an event that has occurred every ~2 months, with 44 pages of hits searching 'expired key', dating back to 2009?

It's clear there is plenty of frustration to go around...
Well said d00zah. I don't really know is the few days delay every two months has anything to do with Mike wanting more paid subscriptions or not and I don't really care one way or the other. What I do think is that unlike a lot of other software, this software obviously requires a lot of upkeep just because of the keys that are required for every single UHD disc as each one is different. I have no doubt that this fact keeps Mike very busy. For this one fact alone, I feel that the $50.00 is a bargain. Then we get to all the attempts by disc manufactures to lock us out of backing up what we have already purchased. This also must keep Mike very busy. If someone does not want to pay for a LIFETIME registration, then they should not be complaining about a few days interruption in their use of the software. I won't get into my thoughts about renting discs and then wanting to rip them as that has been stated at the top of this thread.

I will also note that we have no idea how busy Mike is with things other than this software so maybe just cut him a little slack. I own a one man business that requires me to by on call 24/7/365 so I can understand the stress of something like this software. I get phone calls from clients at the most inopportune times and I have had to learn to just deal with it so maybe I have more empathy than most for what Mike has to deal with.

One more note, as I have stated before, I wish there was a way to also make donations for all of Mikes hard work on our behalf.

Bob Ivey
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Re: Why People Complain About Registration Key Not Working

Post by d00zah »

Imagine the outcry when Mike announces MakeMKV has officially left beta & the new price of a lifetime license is $100. Why, it''ll be an outrage!!!

PS For the humor impaired, this is speculative satire... but I have expected it for years.
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Re: Why People Complain About Registration Key Not Working

Post by someguy3856 »

phixx wrote:I totally agree. But, as timeshifter already stated, this situation is created intentionally. The "it's free" statement clearly is used to attract users, and the key frustration is created to move them to register. As long as this situation sustains, you will have these posts.

Maybe there should be just a sticky post explaining this situation from the (totally understandable) view of the author, with an FAQ.
I think that this is primarily a communications problem. And the best way to fix it is probably not a sticky post (which, as pointed out, lots of people won't read), but in the spot where the beta key is posted. Just change the text to something like "MakeMKV is free while in Beta, except the first five days of each two month period", and the place where the key deadline is to "This key is valid until the end of July 2018. A new key will be posted August 5, 2018".

I'm a free user, and I didn't realize until reading this thread that this was likely intended as a minor frustration to push people to register. I am a sporadic user, and I've been using MakeMKV for maybe a year and I've never run into this. I guess I haven't used it in the first few days of the month before? Before reading this thread, my first impression was "Huh, the key has expired, but there's no new key. Is the developer still around?" That is, it made me less likely to buy a license, rather than more likely, because it made me think the dev was unreliable or maybe less interested in this project.

I'm sure there are some jerks who are going to feel entitled, but I bet a lot of people are just confused. They're using a thing that purports to be free, and it stopped working, and the obvious place they go for information on how to make it work is out of date and doesn't explain what's going on. Clarifying the text about the beta key would satisfy all the confused users. You'll never satisfy the jerks, so best to ignore them.
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Re: Why People Complain About Registration Key Not Working

Post by phixx »

thanks @someguy3856, that's all what needs to be sayed about this topic!
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Re: Why People Complain About Registration Key Not Working

Post by OzBrickie »

Yeah man, I agree. MakeMKV is Free while in Beta. Simple. Make of that what you may and decide what you do with the Software based on your answer.

I'm nearly 60 and been around ripping, backups and warez of one sort or another for over 30 of those years. One thing I find unfortunate is the replies of "Google is your friend" "Read" "Use the search function" "Next post asking XYZ will be deleted" or simply OP's who come straight out and directly denigrate. It's been going on since dial-up BBS and is not a good look IMHO.

The internet is for information, education, idea exchange and advancements in our existence as an entity or lives as individuals. It's a place where anyone can access vast quantities of data, no matter where you live or whatever forms of censorship and segregation your government employs. By definition there are people here who will be young, inexperienced, shy, mentally or physically disadvantaged and may be suffering any number of different forms of discrimination and abuse. I'm sorry, but by indicating ones displeasure at other peoples knowledge and ability levels or lack thereof you are promoting discrimination, plain and simple.

What has become more of a worry, especially here in Australia, is that folks who have established, in their own mind, their superiority over the general populace have started a movement not dissimilar to other racial or emotional abusers throughout history. The Troll. Difference being is that they use their very presence in exclusive digital communities and the anonymity afforded by being "on line" to add legitimacy to what they say. Scary indeed

I guess if you can't say something nice or in any way helpful, then don't say anything at all. There is a quote wrongly attributed to Abe Lincoln and Mark Twain but which actually has it's origins in the bible. "Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt." Problem is, in the modern digital world, fools receive encouragement.

I am certainly not directing this at anyone, it is purely my thoughts on the discussion here and in a broader sense, elsewhere on the net. "Let's Do Some Good" Eliot Ness

Cheers and Beers
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Re: Why People Complain About Registration Key Not Working

Post by OzBrickie »

BTW plural of Forum is Forums. Unless you are talking about the physical place.... as in Rome....with togas. Then it's Fora if there are more than one. Which there probably was.

Sorry, but I couldn't resist the bump.

God I hate grammar Nazis

Have a fuckin beer
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Re: Why People Complain About Registration Key Not Working

Post by d00zah »

OzBrickie wrote:BTW plural of Forum is Forums. Unless you are talking about the physical place.... as in Rome....with togas. Then it's Fora if there are more than one. Which there probably was.

Sorry, but I couldn't resist the bump.

God I hate grammar Nazis

Have a fuckin beer
Both are correct ... as a forum IS, virtually, a 'place to gather'. Google IS your friend, after all. :)

& as you say, I couldn't resist the bump.

A grammar Nazi (not really), drinkin' a beer

PS just having you on... pax

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Re: Why People Complain About Registration Key Not Working

Post by OzBrickie »

I'm with you on that one Bro

Strange as it may seem, I'm "Over the Pond" today as we say in Oz http://www.tuatarabrewing.co.nz/beer/Coastin/

V Nice

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Re: Why People Complain About Registration Key Not Working

Post by drum1234 »

ok I think I'm missing something here. For one, on the front page of makemkv.com with the big banner saying "WELCOME TO MAKEMKV BETA", this bullet:

* All features (including Blu-ray decryption and processing) are free during BETA.

and yes I used this once, got a nice new collectors version of Firefly, go to back it up and my registration expired and it tells me to buy one. So back to the BETA website saying "all of the features are free" to see how much it is... but no link to buy. Nothing in FAQ on how or where to buy.. or how much it is.

All ready wasting more time than I should looking for how to give these people money... for something they say is free for now.

So frustrated and pissed off enough to take the time and register just to add this to the bitching for people to pay up thread. Want to sell something? Make it easier for people to give you money.
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Re: Why People Complain About Registration Key Not Working

Post by d00zah »

From the app 'Help' > 'Purchase'.

Apply key from the app 'Help' > 'Register'

Or... check the announcements forum for the free beta key.
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Re: Why People Complain About Registration Key Not Working

Post by annisman »

Would have taken less time to just explore the website a bit more than to sign up and write that post...
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Re: Why People Complain About Registration Key Not Working

Post by d00zah »

annisman wrote:
Sun Aug 19, 2018 11:09 pm
Would have taken less time to just explore the website a bit more than to sign up and write that post...
And waste a perfectly good opportunity to vent frustration as an introductory post? :twisted:
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