QHD+ fullscreen Mac playback

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QHD+ fullscreen Mac playback

Post by solmaker » Wed Jul 25, 2018 11:32 pm

I'm having problems playing 24:10 movie .MKVs on my new 3840 x 1600 (24:10) QHD+ monitor. My preferred player mpv in Video -> Normal Size mode puts a huge black bar on top so the bottom of the movie is truncated, and in "f" full or Window -> Zoom mode it shrinks the video so it can fit black bars top and bottom. I don't understand why it won't ignore the black bars in full screen mode, and I can't find any mpv options to pan up or otherwise correct this behavior.

Things mostly work using Mac Blu-Ray Player Pro, which has a View -> Video Zoom -> Fill option that replaces its default Fit behavior to correct this problem. But is there any way to make this work with mpv or some better Mac player that you'd recommend?

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Re: QHD+ fullscreen Mac playback

Post by Woodstock » Thu Jul 26, 2018 12:36 am

The video on a BD is 1920x1080, or 16:9 aspect ratio. The movie itself might be 1920x800, but it is put on the BD with letterbox bars.

Your player may or may not notice (and strip) the letterbox. But it is there in the MKV file, because it was on the BD.

Tools like handbrake will generally crop the bars off, producing a 1920x800 video file. Then your player can decide whether it needs to put the letterbox BACK for your display.

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Re: QHD+ fullscreen Mac playback

Post by solmaker » Thu Jul 26, 2018 3:47 am

Thanks for your sensible reply! But clearly it's easy for a playback program to position the video anywhere it wants on the screen, just like Mac Blu-Ray Player Pro does with its Fill option... alternatively vertical centering or pan up/down would be easy to support. In fact, mpv keyboard shortcuts list "Alt+up add video-pan-y 0.1", which looks like just what I want... except it doesn't work for me, perhaps because "up" means something else than normal "UP" that is used elsewhere?!

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Re: QHD+ fullscreen Mac playback

Post by solmaker » Thu Jul 26, 2018 7:25 pm

After irc help from the mpv developers, it turns out mpv 0.28.2 bugs I reported were fixed in new version 0.29.0 available since July 23. So Alt-+ (or "e" or "W") now works to zoom in to get rid of black bars, and Alt-up now works to pan up.

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