Profile: -sel: does no longer work

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Profile: -sel: does no longer work

Post by Meister_Proper »

I just installed the latest version 1.12.2 on my Qnap ubuntu VM and even when using the default profile I'm getting the following error when opening a BD:

Code: Select all

Profile parsing error: Invalid token '"-sel:all'
Profile parsing error: Invalid token '-sel:special"'
It seems that '-sel' is no longer supported. The profile should only select eng audio or audio with no language. However in my case English and German audio tracks are selected (the only two trakcs on that BD).

default profile:

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Posts: 79
Joined: Mon Mar 07, 2016 8:27 pm

Re: Profile: -sel: does no longer work

Post by Meister_Proper »

Over 200 views, but no reply?
Does nobody else have this issue besides me?

Any suggestion what could I do?
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Joined: Mon Jun 06, 2016 8:23 pm

Re: Profile: -sel: does no longer work

Post by d00zah »

Just a guess, but judging by the stray " in each fail msg, I'd try removing the double-quotes surrounding the full string & see how that works. Worth a shot.
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Re: Profile: -sel: does no longer work

Post by Woodstock »

What is the COMPLETE XML container you're editing? In the default profile, the container spans 3 lines. Here is the one I use in my normal profile:

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Re: Profile: -sel: does no longer work

Post by Meister_Proper »

d00zah wrote:Just a guess, but judging by the stray " in each fail msg, I'd try removing the double-quotes surrounding the full string & see how that works. Worth a shot.
Sorry for late reply. Weirdly, that did the trick! Thanks!
Woodstock wrote:What is the COMPLETE XML container you're editing? In the default profile, the container spans 3 lines. Here is the one I use in my normal profile:

Code: Select all

I just did it in the advanced settings directly. Where di I find the XML container?
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Joined: Mon Jun 06, 2016 8:23 pm

Re: Profile: -sel: does no longer work

Post by d00zah »

Even a stopped clock... :D
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Re: Profile: -sel: does no longer work

Post by Woodstock »

Any modified XML profiles should be stored in your MakeMKV data directory. And the selection rules in a profile are used unless you override them in the Advanced tab. In a profile, there SHOULD be quotes around the string, but not in the advanced tab.

You can start by copying a "stock" profile, which, in recent versions, are stored in appdata.tar in your MakeMKV program directory. Since you're on Linux, opening a TAR file is simple; you can extract everything into a directory, or just the xml files, if you want.

MakeMKV ships with four profiles:


Comments within the files explain much of what is being done. Here is the current "default.mmcp.xml" file contents:

Code: Select all

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <!-- profile name - Default -->
    <name lang="mogz">:5086</name>

    <!-- Common MKV flags -->

    <!-- Settings overridable in preferences -->

    <!-- Output formats currently supported by MakeMKV -->
    <outputSettings name="copy" outputFormat="directCopy">
        <description lang="eng">Copy track as is</description>
        <description lang="ger">Track 1:1 kopieren</description>

    <outputSettings name="lpcm" outputFormat="LPCM-raw">
        <description lang="eng">Save as raw LPCM</description>
        <description lang="ger">Als RAW LPCM speichern</description>

    <outputSettings name="wavex" outputFormat="LPCM-wavex">
        <description lang="eng">Save as LPCM in WAV container</description>
        <description lang="ger">Als LPCM im WAV-Container speichern</description>

    <outputSettings name="flac-best" outputFormat="FLAC">
        <description lang="eng">Save as FLAC (best compression)</description>
        <description lang="ger">Als FLAC speichern (höchste Komprimierungsstufe)</description>
        <extraArgs>-compression_level 12</extraArgs>

    <outputSettings name="flac-fast" outputFormat="FLAC">
        <description lang="eng">Save as FLAC (fast compression)</description>
        <extraArgs>-compression_level 5</extraArgs>

    <!-- Default rule - copy as is -->
    <trackSettings input="default">
        <output outputSettingsName="copy"

    <!-- Save LPCM mono or stereo as raw LPCM -->
    <trackSettings input="LPCM-stereo">
        <output outputSettingsName="lpcm"

    <!-- Put multi-channel LPCM into WAVEX container-->
    <trackSettings input="LPCM-multi">
        <output outputSettingsName="wavex"

After you change a stock profile, save it under a different name to your MakeMKV data directory, making sure it ends in .xml. It should be read in automatically when you start MakeMKV.
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