Grey veiled image on all my bluray rips

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Grey veiled image on all my bluray rips

Post by aculous »

So I ripped a bunch of my blurays and they all have the same issue.

When I open them in media player classic, windows media player, vlc or any other player they have super washed out colors and look like they are covered in a grey cloth. I can see the image so its not a bad rip or artifacting and the black levels on my monitor are correct and I can watch other video with no issues, its only the mkv files.

I want to use them on my plex server and when I looked at them in plex is where I first noticed it.

I have googled a bunch of different fixes and updated my codecs and messed with a couple different things but its a no go so far. Just seems strange, I am going to check and see how to save a log file, I'll up this as soon as I can figure out how to do that as well.
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Re: Grey veiled image on all my bluray rips

Post by Woodstock »

If you're dealing with non-HDR video, have you calibrated your screen colors recently? They're probably WAY out of spec, and simply opening the monitor's settings menu and resetting to default will make a MAJOR difference.
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Re: Grey veiled image on all my bluray rips

Post by Theresa_N »

Woodstock wrote:If you're dealing with non-HDR video, have you calibrated your screen colors recently? They're probably WAY out of spec, and simply opening the monitor's settings menu and resetting to default will make a MAJOR difference.
Your'e no help at all. He explained that it only occurs during playback of MKVs.
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Re: Grey veiled image on all my bluray rips

Post by st4evr »

Theresa_N wrote:Your'e no help at all. He explained that it only occurs during playback of MKVs.
Oh and your post is so much more helpful. Thank you for your contribution to this discussion. :roll:

To OP:

Have you tried any other MKV creator apps like MKVToolNix to create an MKV file from the same source? Is it the same exact result?

I simply ask as it may help identify/narrow it down to see if it’s MakeMKV causing the problem for you or ALL MKV files from ALL sources in general.
Lovely Rita
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Re: Grey veiled image on all my bluray rips

Post by Lovely Rita »

st4evr wrote:
Oh and your post is so much more helpful. Thank you for your contribution to this discussion. :roll:
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