Stargate 15th Anniversary

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Stargate 15th Anniversary

Post by dougan78 »

I purchased Stargate. I wanted to back it up with makemkv and I was unable to. I had to use bytecopy instead. I think makemkv cant put the movie together properly due to copy protection or an overly engineered blueray. It has 2 copies of the movie on it. One is the theatrical and the other is the extended version. Based on how makemkv decodes the disk it looks like there are a bunch of parts of the movie (like if you change which movie you want to watch it pieces it all together from the various segments? or quite possibly it uses some other encryption scheme makemkv is not familiar with). I was able to back it up with a different program however thought it may be important to post in case others have this issue with this movie or if others use the same scheme. I attached a screenshot of what it detects. Bytecopy had one 24gb file and there is a pause in the start of the movie which is rather abrupt, however workable. Make MKV just had a bunch of smaller files and even if I ripped them all non of them seemed like they could be pieced together to make a whole movie.

Hope that makes sense. If you need more info let me know.
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Re: Stargate 15th Anniversary

Post by Grauhaar »

I wanted to back it up with makemkv and I was unable to
And what was the problem? Log available?

I think "copy of the disk" with other tools did not copy all related security information.

If you want the both Version select in MakeMKV the 28,3GB and 30,5GB files (check which audio and subtitles are in the both Playlists and deselect unwanted). MakeMKV uses the Playlist (MPLS) to identity the stream segements (MPLS number and stream segments are listet if the titel is selected) which are needed and the audio and subtitle streams. The two versions are assembled from serval segements, so there is no complete file for each version on the Blu-ray. You can ignore (deselect) all of the other files, this are the MPLS stream segements (no chapter indicator).
Good Luck :)
Useful MakeMKV links: FAQs - Debug Log - Buy - Expiration of beta key
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Re: Stargate 15th Anniversary

Post by Woodstock »

15th anniversary is a rather old release if that's what it was marked on the packaging. So I doubt it has a "new copy protection" on it.

The menu screenshot shows both the "standard" and "director's cut" versions, plus the extras.

Without knowing what errors you received, it's rather difficult to put forth a guess.
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Re: Stargate 15th Anniversary

Post by preserve »

Yup, what Grauhaar said.

I had no problems with this title.

Movies with lots of segments is not copyright protection - it's a completely common practice, known as seamless branching. It allows disc authoring to include multiple cuts of a movie - or other changes such as Disney's common practice of having multiple playlists for on-screen text (like credits) in multiple languages - on the disc without having to include the whole movie multiple times, only the parts that are different.
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Re: Stargate 15th Anniversary

Post by dougan78 »

Well that is a bit embarassing. I swear it didnt have a 28 or 32gb file listed when i did scan the disk before. At least we have photographic evidence of my stupidity... ;)

Thanks for your time!

I didnt see those before but wasnt getting an error so pointing out its right there was helpful.... ha.
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