Blu Ray file properties missing details

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Blu Ray file properties missing details

Post by Sypher2 »

having a problem ripping blu rays. I managed to rip my dvd collection no problem however now when I rip my blu rays the file is missing its file details. when I right click the file and go to properties and details the resolution details and bit rate etc. isn't there. windows tv and movie app also wont recognize the blu rays. the blu ray rip file also doesn't have thumbnail like my dvds do. how can I rip the blu rays so that they have all this info? I want them to be just as my dvds are.
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Re: Blu Ray file properties missing details

Post by Woodstock »

To get details, you have to have told Windows how to look for them. Windows does not know how to deal with MKV files unless certain third-party programs and libraries are installed.
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Re: Blu Ray file properties missing details

Post by rivey »

Woodstock wrote:To get details, you have to have told Windows how to look for them. Windows does not know how to deal with MKV files unless certain third-party programs and libraries are installed.
I personally have not had this problem, but it could be helpful to know what programs and libraries you are referring to. Thanks
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Re: Blu Ray file properties missing details

Post by Woodstock »

I cannot tell you exactly, but...

When I could get the "details" page to show more than file size and various dates, I had the Windows media player installed with a third-party codec package to allow MP to play MKV files. When I removed MP and the codec pack, Explorer went "dumb" again, and simply sets all MKV files to "VLC media file" type.

I haven't bothered to find out more, because that feature of Explorer is poorly implemented and rather irritating, as far as my usage. I'd rather be able to get a listing of files quickly than spend 20 minutes waiting for Explorer to check each of the 200+ files in a remotely mounted directory to determine if it can figure out what to put on the "details" page.
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Re: Blu Ray file properties missing details

Post by Krawk »

I think Woodstock is correct in that Windows doesn't deal with MKVs by default. I have K-Lite Codec pack installed and have no problem seeing properties. Even thumbnails and full details when I click on the thumbnail.
I have Windows 10 but I seem to recall the same behavior with Windows 7.
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