Gruesse aus Fukushima German BD error "can't wire down..."

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Gruesse aus Fukushima German BD error "can't wire down..."

Post by adolder »

I'm having a problem! Thank you in advance for your assistance.

My system:

MakeMKV v1.12.0 (Registered)

MAC OSX v10.6.8 (Snow Leopard)

MAC Desktop (MAC Pro late 2009 v3,1)
24gb RAM

MakeMKV starts normally. Is able to read disc when inserted in drive:


A few seconds after invoking the processing procedure hundreds of the same error message are reported and finallyMakeMKV ends its run with "failed to open disc":


The MakeMKV program remains active and appears to behave normally (in other words, the program did not crash after the failure).

I inspected the Blu-Ray disc for imperfections and scratches. Light scratching is visible with a magnifying glass, though nothing deep, nor anything visibly effecting the boot area of the disc.

I thoroughly cleaned the disc surface with an appropriate non-abrasive Blu-Ray disc cleaning towel.

Using the already open MakeMKV software I attempted the procedure again ending with the same failure results.

I quit the MakeMKV program and turned off the computer. I restarted the computer and reloaded the MakeMKV program (only MakeMKV and the computer's OS software were loaded).

I inserted the BD into the drive, waited for MakeMKV to see it, then clicked on the drive icon to invoke the MakeMKV procedure.

The same failure occurred again.

Since the error message(s) imply that it might be a system issue rather than a software issue, I ran hardware tests to verify that the RAM memory is in working condition and responding properly. It is.

I searched the error message text on the MakeMKV forums, but did not find anything. I searched the error text on the open internet and did not encounter a single post anywhere with the specific text generated in the MakeMKV window (Please see image above).

I shut down the system again. I restarted and loaded the software as described above. The same error messages were reported and the same failure occurred.

Finally, I verified at least the playabililty of the BD by successfully loading it in a conventional Blu-Ray player. I understand that the player tolerances are likely to be a different from the computer / software tolerances, so my playback test probably doesn't have any real meaning in context with the computer issue. But I just wanted to verify that the disc does at least play.

Thank you in advance for any guidance or suggestions you could provide to help me resolve the issue.

Kind regards,
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Re: Gruesse aus Fukushima German BD error "can't wire down..

Post by Woodstock » ... =4&t=16750

There's an excerpt from one of the many pages Google finds for this error. It has to do with permissions.
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Re: Gruesse aus Fukushima German BD error "can't wire down..

Post by adolder »

Thank you for your reply and information.

I'm wondering if MakeMKV is truly compatible with OSX 10.6.8. Until tonight I was running MakeMKV 1.10.7 with no problems.

Tonight I installed MakeMKV 1.12.0 before running the software on the new BD mentioned in this thread. It fails every time.

It might help if I could roll back to an older version of the software, see what happens.

If anyone could tell me how to completely uninstall MakeMKV 1.12.0. Actually, I've already tried simply trashing the application package and plist files and then re-installing MakeMKV 1.10.7, but it crashes on load - can't even get it on screen. This suggests there is something left over somewhere on my drive. I've re-installed MakeMKV 1.12.0 and though it fails disc operations, it does not crash.

I'd really like to see if I can demux this disc with an older version of the MakeMKV software because if the error messages have to do with RAM memory configuration and how it is addressed by the OS, then the problem may well be that MakeMKV 1.12.0 is compliant with later versions of the OS and my system is not compatible.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you,
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Re: Gruesse aus Fukushima German BD error "can't wire down..

Post by Woodstock »

/download/old/ has older versions of MakeMKV, going back to late 2015.

Uninstall depends upon your operating system. When you run the MakeMKV installer, at least on Windows, it asks if you want to uninstall the version currently installed, prior to installing the "new" one. You can also install multiple versions, by specifying a different location.

As I read the error explanations, the problem is that MakeMKV does not have permission to write to certain parts of memory, and that running it under a login that has administrator privileges fixes that.

Just remember that older versions of MakeMKV are not going to be able to handle new versions of AACS or work with UHD disks.
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Re: Gruesse aus Fukushima German BD error "can't wire down..

Post by adolder »

Thank you again for your kind support and assistance.

After reviewing my "great idea" of stepping back a version, I realized that the AACS version of the BD is newer than my old version of the MakeMKV program - thus it would be destined for failure as you pointed out.

Meanwhile, I'm on a MAC machine and my profile is complete access (root user aka super admin) - I have no restrictions on my system.

I also ran a MAC disk utility routine that reviews and corrects all system installed file permissions, so that is also in order and does not solve the problem unfortunately.

In the meantime, I carried out a couple of experiments to gain some information:

I loaded MakeMKV 1.12.0 and then mounted an ISO file I have on my HD and MakeMKV was able to recognize it with no errors. Salient to this experiment is that the ISO file was stripped of its AACS profile, so this experiment did not present MakeMKV with a challenge to crack it.

The result is that I am confident I would have been able to make MKV files from the ISO file using v1.12.0 on my system. There were no error messages or memory issues reported by the software.

Next I loaded an older Blu-Ray disc with AACS 44 (it's a disc from 2014). The error messages returned and MakeMKV was unable to read the disc and the failure message also appeared. Maybe it's my Blu-Ray drive...

Next I used the Blu-Ray drive in the computer to mount a BD with a BD software player. No problem. The new and old BD discs played as expected and the disc navigation also worked with no problem.

I'd be very grateful for any ideas about how to proceed.

Thank you in advance to Woodstock and anyone else who might have any suggestions.

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Re: Gruesse aus Fukushima German BD error "can't wire down..

Post by Woodstock »

One question that has come up on other forums is, are you running MakeMKV from the downloaded container, or installing it?

There are certain things that are not allowed if you run from a container, even if you have admin privileges. It came up on the handbrake forum because the "check for updates" function, which required permission to overwrite files, did not work unless the application was in the correct directory branch.

Sorry to be so vague, but I do not own a Mac, so things like this reside in the, "oh, that's strange" part of my brain, rather than the "need to know this!" part....
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Re: Gruesse aus Fukushima German BD error "can't wire down..

Post by adolder »

Hello Woodstock!
Thank you for your reply!

I'm running MakeMKV from a proper installation, which is not so different from a Windows install.

As an example, when I was made aware of the update by the MakeMKV version I was running, I downloaded the "DMG" file which contains the full program in its latest MAC iteration (in this case v1.12.0). By double clicking on DMG file the MAC OSX system "mounts" the DMG file as if it were a separate drive. Looking inside the DMG "drive" among other things, one finds the actual MakeMKV stand alone program. The next step in the procedure is to "drag" the program file into the Applications folder on the MAC - (where all applications are supposed to be kept). This automatically invokes the installation procedure which ends in a confirmation that the program has been successfully, and properly, installed. At this point the DMG file is unmounted and archived or simply thrown in the trash.

Thus my troubles are not related to the installation. Or at least that I was I think, sort of.

I would LOVE to know how to do a complete uninstall removing EVERYTHING so that I could install the MakeMKV program in a sterile environment. On a MAC it is assumed that throwing the single file located in the Applications folder in the trash is enough to be consider a complete uninstall. Generally this is completely untrue. There is always an associated "preferences" file (kept in the Preferences folder along with files for each of the other programs on the computer). In many cases there can be lots of other files all over the place associated with any given program on a MAC (cache files, "support" files, "hidden" files, and so on).

In an attempt to re-install MakeMKV in a clean environment, I first searched system wide for files that contained the string "MakeMKV". My system returned only the application file and the preferences file. I deleted both permanently. Then I re-installed MakeMKV v1.12.0 in an attempt to solve my problems.

To my surprise the new installation already knew my license key!! How could that be if I supposedly deleted all the MakeMKV files prior to the new installation? Of course it means SOMETHING was left behind. Maybe there are MakeMKV files installed that have names without the string MakeMKV in them. Or/and there are "hidden" installed that contain important information (like the license key) which do not show up in a simple system search.

To the MakeMKV overlords looking after the forums, again I respectfully request an un-install workflow that absolutely removes every single MakeMKV file from the system so that I can make a clean install so as to confirm that my issue is not related to file corruption somewhere - or that it is.

In the process of elimination Woodstock is correct to inquire about the proper installation of the program. Unfortunately I've not been able to completely remove all files and re-install so as to give a reliable answer to the question.

At the moment I'm not able to do anything with the MakeMKV program. Until now this was never the case - I've always had an amazingly fast, simple, easy, and powerful experience with MakeMKV. I look forward to getting back to that experience.

Thank you in advance for any assistance and suggestions to help me move forward and solve the problem.

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