Boo 2! A Madea Halloween
Boo 2! A Madea Halloween
Hey everyone, Trying the new BOO 2! Madea movie and it's got tons of playlists.... does anyone know the correct playlist for the US version
Re: Boo 2! A Madea Halloween
If MakeMKV plus Java is not finding the correct playlist, please follow the instructions found in Mike's message announcing fake playlist detection to help make detection better.
MakeMKV Frequently Asked Questions
FAQ about BETA and PERMANENT keys.
How to aid in finding the answer to your problem: Activating Debug Logging
FAQ about BETA and PERMANENT keys.
How to aid in finding the answer to your problem: Activating Debug Logging
Re: Boo 2! A Madea Halloween
Submitted as requested. 

- Posts: 37
- Joined: Sat Aug 06, 2016 12:09 am
Re: Boo 2! A Madea Halloween
I don't know the title for the netflix version but I get this for the segment order:
00517, 00514 00520, 00505, 00509, 00507, 00515, 00511, 00501, 00519, 00512, 00504, 00503, 00516, 00510, 00508, 00506
good luck
I don't know the title for the netflix version but I get this for the segment order:
00517, 00514 00520, 00505, 00509, 00507, 00515, 00511, 00501, 00519, 00512, 00504, 00503, 00516, 00510, 00508, 00506
good luck
- Posts: 4
- Joined: Wed Jul 13, 2016 2:37 am
Re: Boo 2! A Madea Halloween
Title 168 on my Netflix disc matches that sequence, haven't tried to watch it yet...
Re: Boo 2! A Madea Halloween
On my Netflix disc - the sequence matched to title 169 / 452.mpls - not 168 - just FYI. Haven't watched through yet
Name: Tyler Perry's BOO 2
Source file name: 00452.mpls
Duration: 1:40:59
Chapters count: 16
Size: 17.3 GB
Segment count: 17
Segment map: 517,514,520,505,509,507,515,511,501,519,512,504,503,516,510,508,506
File name: Tyler_Perry's_BOO_2_t169.mkv
Name: Tyler Perry's BOO 2
Source file name: 00452.mpls
Duration: 1:40:59
Chapters count: 16
Size: 17.3 GB
Segment count: 17
Segment map: 517,514,520,505,509,507,515,511,501,519,512,504,503,516,510,508,506
File name: Tyler_Perry's_BOO_2_t169.mkv