Find and remove Audio Description

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Find and remove Audio Description

Post by sarahobrian »

To back up my bluray, I use MKV and then Handbrake to create a usable MP4 file.
On one of my movies, no matter what audio track I select or remove in Handbrake, an "Audio Description" track plays.
I am wondering, is there a setting in MakeMKV that I can adjust to remove this descriptive audio?
My next effort will be to try MKVToolNix and see if that will help me decipher a way to remove descriptive audio.

Thank you for your assistance.


I spent about 45 minutes on google researching this issue and I found 1 thread where a user had a similar issue. It was from 2015 and I did not want to necro that thread.
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Re: Find and remove Audio Description

Post by Woodstock »

Descriptive audio track is USUALLY just a single track. However, sometimes it has "better specs" than the main audio track, so MakeMKV's default selection rule gives it precedence over the real movie audio.

If you're going to process with handbrake, you probably want to make sure that MakeMKV selects ALL audio tracks, so you can sort them out later. This involves being in "Expert mode"... There's a sticky message in this section on using Expert mode and selecting tracks.
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Joined: Thu Dec 21, 2017 3:52 am

Re: Find and remove Audio Description

Post by sarahobrian »

Woodstock wrote:Descriptive audio track is USUALLY just a single track. However, sometimes it has "better specs" than the main audio track, so MakeMKV's default selection rule gives it precedence over the real movie audio.

If you're going to process with handbrake, you probably want to make sure that MakeMKV selects ALL audio tracks, so you can sort them out later. This involves being in "Expert mode"... There's a sticky message in this section on using Expert mode and selecting tracks.
Thank you, I will dig deeper into MakeMKV and check out Expert mode etc. If I find a solution I will post it in case others have similar issues in the future.

Happy Holidays
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