Using an external DVD/BD player I have been able to rip a DVD (Blade Runner, Final Cut), but unable to rip any BD I have got some of them to play on VLC. So the drive works. It also appears under "storage" in the about menu.
MakeMKV does not find the external driver, but by "open files" I managed to rip the DVD. Doing the same with BD just tells me "The volume key is unknown for this disc - video can't be decrypted". I have tried a couple of different BD, but same error on all of them.
Code: Select all
Debug log started at Sat Oct 28 16:05:43 2017 , written by MakeMKV v1.10.7 darwin(x64-release)
Using 524544KB for read cache.
001005:0000 MakeMKV v1.10.7 darwin(x64-release) started
001004:0000 Debug logging enabled, log will be saved as /Users/fredrikarnstad/MakeMKV_log.txt
001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 0 at \[a8,*G)g#}~ZU:121263659
001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 0 at \[a8,*G)g#}~ZU:121263659
001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 117637427 at +pkY$;Vn"|#C?V49:121263567
001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 0 at +pkY$;Vn"|#C?V49:213131502
001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 0 at gc'PfN7::hLe[}(:213131525
005042:0000 The program can't find any usable optical drives.
003006:0000 Opening files on harddrive at /Volumes/THE_PHANTOM_MENACE
DEBUG: Code 2147483648 at C4:LH)oM,kLRJPh6:121265315
003303:0000 The volume key is unknown for this disc - video can't be decrypted
001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 0 at 5=p2aTp8u1jAn;p::29396046
001003:0020 DEBUG: Code 0 at 5=p2aTp8u1jAn;p::213134009
005010:0000 Failed to open disc