1) About the generated .mkv files: They work well for playback, but at least the windows explorer can't access the video details, it displays only file-size and the timestamps. If i pass the generated file to mkvmerge with the following command-line arguments
Code: Select all
--output "output.mkv" --title "" "input.mkv" --no-atachtments --clusters-in-meta-seek
2) Playlist-(de-)scrambling: This feature might already exist, but if so, I don't know where and how to activate it. Modern series-blu-rays uses playlist-scrambling so the the episodes on the disc are not in the same order how they should be viewed. But most of this blu-rays also have the option to play all episodes instead of selecting each episode manually - so the information how the episodes should be viewed must be on the disc. Could this information be extracted/exported so it would be easier to keep the episode-playpack-order?
Currently i am doing the following: Export the episodes from disc, random order. Then i ran my mkvmerge script on this files to view the duration of the episodes in windows explorer. I could also start playback of the episode to get the duration, but if episode count increases the first approach is a little easier. Then i start playback of the blu-ray-disc, selecting each episode manually and look for the file with the same duration. If there are multiple episodes with the same duration, then I have to view them. I rename the file to match season/episode and start with the next episode.