
Everything related to MakeMKV
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Post by sweetwatermac »

After 7+ years I'm upgrading my Mac Mini to a newer unit. I have the S# that I obtained on 5/9/2010. I've downloaded a copy of the software on my new Mac but my serial number doesn't take. I've entered it 5 times and I know it was correct 7 years ago. Any suggestions? Thanks.
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Re: Registration

Post by Woodstock »

If you are copying to the clipboard and then pasting into MakeMKV, make sure that the copy operation took ONLY the registration key, and not any "formatting" information that surrounded it. This is a common problem for Windows users, not so sure about Mac users.

The way to make sure is to copy the email to your clipboard, then paste it into a text-only application, THEN copy the registration number to the clipboard.

The alternative is to type it in manually.

The key should work on all versions; Mine is from about the same era as yours.
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Re: Registration

Post by kevnhowe »

Seeing same problem after updating linux version to 1.10.4

Purchased license around the same time 12/10.

Verified key value in settings.conf app_Key matches value on my order receipt.

Running makeMkv docker image.
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